Cadet Handbook (PDF) (2024)




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Published by The Office of the Commandant Norwich University Northfield, Vermont


i ii VISION STATEMENT Norwich University will be a learning community, American in character yet global in perspective, engaged in personal and intellectual transformation and dedicated to knowledge, mutual respect, creativity and service.

MISSION STATEMENT, 1843 CATALOGUE To give our youth an education that shall be American in its character – to enable them to act as well as to thin – to execute as well as to conceive – “to tolerate all opinions when reason is left free to combat them” – to make moral, patriotic, efficient, and useful citizens, and to qualify them for all those high responsibilities resting upon a citizen of this free republic.

STATEMENT OF GUIDING VALUES Norwich University was founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge, U.S. Army, and is the oldest private military college in the country. Norwich University is a diversified academic institution that educates traditional-age students in a Corps of Cadets or as civilians, and adult students. Norwich identifies the following as our guiding values: 1. HONOR: We are men and women of honor and integrity. We shall not tolerate those who lie, cheat, or steal. 2. SCHOLARSHIP: We are dedicated to engaged teaching and learning, emphasizing teamwork, leadership, creativity, and critical thinking. 3. RESPECT: We respect the right to diverse points of view as a cornerstone of our democracy. 4. PATRIOTISM and SERVICE: We encourage service to nation and others before self. 5. COMPREHENSIVE FITNESS: We stress being physically fit and drug-free. 6. PERSEVERANCE: To live the Norwich motto —“I will try!” — meaning perseverance in the face of adversity. 7. DUTY: We stress self-discipline, personal responsibility, and respect for law. 8. LOYA LT Y: We hold in highest esteem our people and reputation.


I, will henceforth strive to live by the Norwich Creed.

As a member of the Norwich Corps of Cadets I promise to accept and apply the principles of the Honor Code; to abide by the Norwich Rules and Regulations; to obey the legal orders of Norwich officials and my seniors in the Corps of Cadets; to foster the Norwich spirit; and to uphold the traditions of my Alma Mater. In all my endeavors from this day forth I will reflect the spirit of the Norwich motto: “I will try!”


I am a Cadet leader. I will assist each individual in their efforts to be highly motivated, well disciplined, and physically and mentally fit Cadet. I will instill pride in all I lead. Pride in self, in the Corps, in Norwich University, and in our Country. I will insist that each Cadet meets and maintains the standards of military bearing and courtesy, consistent with the highest traditions of Norwich University and our Guiding Values. I will lead by example, never requiring a Cadet to attempt any task I would not do myself. But first, last, and always, I am a Norwich University Cadet, sworn to uphold the Norwich University Rules and Regulations and Standards.


UNIT INFORMATION...... Inside front cover

INTRODUCTION Vision, Mission and Guiding Values...... iii Cadet Oath...... iv Cadet Leader Oath...... v Forward...... ix

NORWICH LEADERSHIP University President...... 1 University Interim Provost...... 3 Executive Vice President for Administration...... 4

HONOR Honor Code...... 5

ACADEMICS Academic Achievement Center...... 6 Advisors...... 7 Writing Center...... 8 Center for Student Success...... 9

CORPS OF CADETS Corps of Cadets Organization Chart...... 11 Corps of Cadets Mission...... 12 Mission Essential Tasks...... 12 Leadership Progression...... 12 Rook Requirements and Restrictions...... 13 Cadet Rank Insignia...... 26

NORWICH HERITAGE, CUSTOMS, COURTESIES AND TRADITIONS Respect for the Nation and Norwich...... 19 Respect for Authority...... 22 Other Forms of Respect...... 24 The Tradition of Doing Your Duty...... 29 The Tradition of Professionalism...... 32

vi NORWICH HISTORY Norwich History, Chronology...... 40 Founding Father...... 44 Presidents of NU...... 46 Commandants of NUCC...... 47 Norwich Medal of Honor Recipients...... 49 First Graduates...... 54 Norwich and the State of Vermont...... 55 University Motto...... 57 The Norwich Seal...... 58 Norwich Flag...... 59 Norwich Shoulder Patch...... 59 Norwich Cover Device...... 60 Cavalry at Norwich University...... 60 Appreciations...... 62

BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES Upper Parade Ground...... 64 Academic Buildings...... 67 Athletic Facilities...... 70 Administrative and Support Buildings...... 73

MEMORIALS Alden Partridge Statue...... 75 Centennial Gateways...... 76 Centennial Stairs...... 77 Bicentennial Stairs...... 77 “Uncle Jim” Evans...... 78 Harmon Statue...... 79 William H. Earle Murals...... 81


NOTES...... 88

vii viii FORWARD This Cadet Handbook describes the history and traditions of the Norwich University Corps of Cadets. The Norwich University Mission Statement and Guiding Values combined with the enclosed leadership tenets serve as the doctrine for the Corps of Cadets. Honor is the keystone that our values and tenets are dependent upon. Success hinges on all members of the Corps fully understanding and abiding by the Honor Code.

This handbook provides the minimal essential attributes that each cadet is responsible to be, know, and do. It is not enough simply to know the “right thing;” it is imperative that each cadet inculcate these values as their own and live every day of their life to the enclosed standards of excellence.

The Commandant’s Office is the proponent of this publication. Send comments and recommendations for improving this manual to Norwich University, ATTN: Office of the Commandant, 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield, VT 05663-1035 or via email to [emailprotected].

ix 24th President of Norwich University Mark Anarumo, PhD, Colonel, USAF (Ret) A MESSAGE FROM THE 24TH PRESIDENT

I am excited to welcome you to Norwich University, the nation’s oldest private military college and the birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.

We pride ourselves on producing graduates who are career professionals ready to lead and serve. I ask that you join me in carrying out the Norwich mission of preparing and educating moral, patriotic, efficient, and useful citizens, qualified to serve in the highest levels of leadership in our country and our world. Your next four years will not be easy but, with the right effort and attitude, will be extremely rewarding and memorable.

Your challenging first year will focus on developing courage, confidence, discipline and attention to detail; the foundations of a good follower. That will only be the first step in your journey. In subsequent years you will have many opportunities to lead and develop your character in accordance with our Guiding Values and Honor Code.

Our rigorous academic programs and demanding leadership experiences will develop you intellectually, physically, socially and morally. As a student, your first priority must be your academics. I encourage you to commit yourself to good study habits. Take advantage of our resources such as the Academic Achievement Center and the Writing Center as well as the peer tutor program early to establish a strong foundation for the future.

Achieving a healthy balance between your academics and social life is also very important. Involve yourself in co-curricular activities such as athletics or club activities whenever possible.

This Cadet Handbook will familiarize you with the history, traditions and customs of the Norwich Corps of Cadets. Read it, learn its contents, and use the information to transform yourself into a leader of character. Make the most of your Norwich experience; it is the only one of its kind in the world. Congratulations on your acceptance and willingness to take on the unique challenges offered by Norwich University.

Mark Anarumo, PhD Colonel, USAF (Ret) President, Norwich University


Dr. Mark Anarumo assumed the presidency on June 1, 2020 amid a global pandemic and significant civil unrest. His top three priorities for his first year were to lead the Norwich community through the necessary changes inherent with the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the health and safety of the campus community; to address academic, operational and financial priorities of Norwich in its third century of service to the nation and the world; and to learn the Norwich culture to preserve the 200-year-old tradition of educating citizen-soldiers to build and defend the republic.

Dr. Anarumo enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1987, completed his Bachelor of Science degree via the GI Bill, then spent 26 years as an Air Force officer. He entered the Air Force in 1994 as the Distinguished Graduate of Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at Rutgers University. He later earned a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice in 1999 and a PhD in Criminal Justice in 2005, both from Rutgers University. He also completed a postdoctoral fellowship through the National Security Fellow Program at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2012.

Dr. Anarumo’s previous position was Director and Permanent Professor for the Center for Character and Leadership Development, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado. In this capacity, he oversaw delivery of leadership, honor, and character education programs to a Cadet Wing of more than 4,000 officer candidates, advised honor education programs and execution of the Cadet Honor Code, hosted several large forums per year, including the annual National Character and Leadership Symposium, and conducted leading-edge research, instruction and assessment for advancing the 21st century profession of arms.

Before accepting his Air Force Academy professorship, Colonel Anarumo was Vice Commander of the 39th Air Base Wing at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, where he was responsible for approximately 5,000 U.S. military, civilian and contractor personnel and the combat readiness of U.S. Air Force units at Incirlik and four geographically separated units in Turkey. In addition to Turkey he has lived and worked extensively overseas including Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, and Korea.

Dr. Anarumo brings deep experience in the highest levels of organizational leadership, collaborative and transformational leadership in complex environments, donor relations, coalition-building, leadership in shared governance structures, delivery of innovative faculty and staff development programs, strategic planning, and fiscal management. He has taught and published widely on political violence, criminal justice, leadership, and character development.

President Anarumo lives in Woodbury Hall in Northfield with his family and several dogs.


Although a native of Baltimore, Maryland, Dr. Stephen Fitzhugh has spent most of his life in New England, earning his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Before his doctoral studies, he earned graduate degrees in electrical engineering and computer science and spent over 25 years working in the electric power industry. Dr. Fitzhugh is a licensed Professional Engineer in Vermont and a Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He taught in Norwich University’s Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program for 18 years and has served as both ECE department chair and the director of the David Crawford School of Engineering.

Dr. Fitzhugh remains active in electric power systems research including the implementation of smart grid technologies, microgrids, electric grid cyber-security, and integration of renewable and sustainable energy resources into the existing electric power grid. He collaborated with Vermont electric utilities on the Department of Energy’s Smart Grid Investment Grant, serves on the Board of Directors of the Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, and is a commissioner on Northfield’s municipal utility commissions. Dr. Fitzhugh is a member of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society and Eta Kappa Nu Electrical and Computer Engineering Honor Society. He was awarded the Norwich University Board of Fellows Medallion Award in 2020.

In 2021-22 Dr. Stephen Fitzhugh, Professor Emeritus, will serve Norwich University as Interim Provost and Dean of the Faculty where he will lead program, curriculum, and partnership development, as well as assessment and accreditation. Dr. Fitzhugh chose to return to service at Norwich to play a part in the inspiration and development of students, guiding “citizen soldiers” as they move into a global future of action, inclusion, and stability.


Dave Whaley is a native of Minnesota. He was a member of the Corps of Cadets class of 1976 were he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He was a three-year letter winner on the Rugby team, was co-editor of yearbook, and a senior class officer. He earned his Master of Science from UMass-Amherst in 1978.

Whaley began his professional career at Norwich in 1981 when he was selected to serve as the Director of Alumni Relations. Later, he served as Director of Planned Giving, Director of the Leadership Campaign and finally served 21 years as Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations/Engagement. In that time, Whaley successfully led a team of professionals that raised over $200M for the university. Over the years, Whaley has continued to serve as an advisor to the Norwich University Rugby team.

He currently serves as the University Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board of Trustees.


Our most important and cherished Guiding Value is that “we are men and women of honor and integrity.” This is the foundation of the Norwich University Honor Code which was formally established in the fall of 1951 under the guidance of General Harmon.

The Code is a minimum standard of ethical behavior for students, and is to be embraced by each student. It is the responsibility of every student to live by and uphold the Honor Code, and thus uphold the good name of Norwich University; all the time, on and off campus.

“He who permits himself to tell a lie once finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, ‘til at length it becomes habitual; he tells a lie without attending to it, and truths without the world believing it.”

– Thomas Jefferson

The Honor Code applies to all students from the day that they first enroll at Norwich until the day that they graduate, and it follows them, both at the university and away. Those students who find that they cannot abide by the high principles of the Honor Code may be separated from the university as provided in the Regulations. For the vast majority of the student population, however, the Honor Code is a source of great pride, and the very basis of a complete and honest education.


The Honor Code of Norwich University is based on the principles that a student will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. Stated in even simpler terms, the Honor Code requires that every student conduct themselves at all times in a completely honest and forthright manner.


The ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of the Honor Code rests upon the students of Norwich, for without the support and cooperation of the student population the principles of the Honor Code at Norwich would become a collection of meaningless words.


The details of how the NU Honor code is administered can be found in the NU Rules and Regulations.

“A man has integrity if his interest in the good of the service is at all times greater than his own personal pride, and when he holds himself to the same line of duty when unobserved, as he would if his superiors were present.”

– BG S.L.A. Marshall, USA

ACADEMICS ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT CENTER Norwich’s second Guiding Value states, “we are dedicated to learning, emphasizing teamwork, leadership, creativity, and critical thinking.” At Norwich we have numerous resources to help every cadet succeed academically. One such resource is the Academic Achievement Center (AAC). The AAC, located on the 4th floor of Kreitzberg Library, is a vital asset for each cadet to help improve their academic performance, and all its services are included in tuition. The AAC provides general academic support to help cadets improve study skills and develop learning strategies for college level academics. The AAC’s professional and peer tutors also provide content area tutoring in most subjects and courses, including math, lab sciences, engineering, computer science, modern languages, and criminal justice.

The Multi-lingual Student Resources program assists non-native English speakers in advancing English language and acclimating to American college culture. The Accessibility Resources program assists cadets with disabilities to develop skills and establish accommodations to promote equal academic opportunity for all. All cadets, including those interested in a military career or pursuing a commission, can use AAC services to promote their academic success without limitation. NB: cadets with disabilities who are interested in a military career can contact the AAC to discuss confidentially whether use of disability support services could be disqualifying for service. This concern only applies to accessibility support services, not to any other service the AAC offers. To contact the AAC for more information or to make an appointment, call: (802) 485-2130 or email: [emailprotected]. 6 YOU AND YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR As a student, you are responsible for your own academic progress at Norwich. You are expected to know the graduation requirements that apply to you and take the courses necessary to meet them. You have to keep an eye on your own GPA and decide when to add or drop a course or change your major. If you earn bad GPA your first semester, it may take several semesters to significantly improve your cumulative GPA. In other words, you have to make some tough decisions that will have a big impact on your life at the university and after you graduate. Don’t try to make those decisions by yourself— they’re too important. Get some help from the best source available, your academic advisor. Your advisor is responsible for helping you understand university policies, procedures, and requirements. They can help you assess your academic challenges and make the best decision about how to overcome them. Most important, your advisor can help you get the most out of your college education. But there’s a catch – you have to ask for your advisor’s help. It’s your job to get the advising you need.

7 How to get the most from your advisor:

1. See your advisor regularly throughout the semester, not just when you want to register for courses.

2. Make appointments with your advisor at a time convenient for both of you.

3. Discuss with your advisor your educational and professional goals. Be honest about any learning issues you may have. Don’t withhold information or assume that your advisor knows everything about you.

4. Be assertive. Ask questions. Don’t assume that your advisor will automatically know what you need.

5. Review the Academic Regulations and your academic record at the start of each semester. If you spot a problem, point it out to your advisor immediately.

6. Request another advisor if you’re not getting the help you need.

7. Your advisor wants to help you succeed in college, use them.

Good academic advising can make a big difference in your college career. But remember: a successful working relationship with your advisor depends on both of you. Without your initiative, your advisor can’t help.

If you want to change your advisor or discuss a problem you have with your advisor, see your department chair or contact your Company Mentor or Assistant Commandant.

WRITING CENTER Our mission at the Center for Writing is to create a culture of writing at Norwich. What exactly does that mean? It means we acknowledge how much writing we all do on a daily basis in professional and academic settings, digital environments, and within our communities. The center helps make all that writing more professional through consultations, events, workshops, discussions, classroom visits, outreach, initiatives, and relationships. We believe that we are all, each and every one of us, writers and that together we can help each other become even better writers and more effective communicators.

8 To support this belief, we offer free one-to-one consulting, as well as small group work- shops, to the Norwich community. Our peer consultants are sophom*ores, juniors, and sen-iors from a wide range of disciplines who are trained to work with writers on a variety of writing projects—academic, creative, professional, digital—at all stages of the writing process. We help writers to: • Interpret assignments • Brainstorm ideas • Develop a thesis • Organize ideas • Enhance clarity • Revise early drafts • Analyze and target audiences • Cite sources effectively • Learn more about grammar

In other words, whether you need help brainstorming ideas for a history paper, organizing a lab report, or developing characters in your next novel, our consultants guide can help guide you through that process by listening to your concerns, asking thoughtful questions, and providing examples and suggestions tailored to your needs.

Please visit to make an appointment today!

CENTER FOR STUDENT SUCCESS The Center for Student Success provides the guidance, support, and advocacy for all individual students to significantly improve the academic and social integration necessary to enhance the quality of their college experience.

The Center for Student Success has two major areas of focus: 1. Overall student experience to include:

• Transition from high school to college • Provide guidance, support, and advocacy for students on various issues; i.e social, personal, and financial well being • Identifying struggling students and outreaching to create individualized solutions

9 2. Overall student Veterans’ experience to include:

• Transition from the military to civilian life • Certification and military educational benefits • Finances and paying for college • Transition to collegiate academics • Counseling services • Academic success planning

For more information, please contact The Center for Student Success at (802) 485-2355

CORPS OF CADETS “We in the military know about Norwich University, we know the caliber of leaders and the type of people that come from this institution. . . the best military academy in the land.” —Gen A.M. Gray, USMC (Ret.), Former Commandant, United States Marine Corps


Individuals are members of the Norwich University Corps of Cadets from the moment they take the Cadet Oath until they graduate. Therefore, the Norwich Rules and Regulations, our Guiding Values, and Honor Code apply to cadets during the summer season, university breaks,

10 holidays, vacations, through suspensions and leaves. Cadets must understand they represent Norwich University and the Corps of Cadets at all times, even when they are off campus.

To be successful each member of the NUCC needs to understand and adhere to our key traditions, customs, and basic corps and military knowledge. The following pages will provide a reference for every member of the Corps.


The Corps of Cadets is organized in a military organizational hierarchy, which includes (from lower organization to higher) Squads, Platoons, Companies, Battalions and the Regiment (Corps). Rooks are assigned to one of the five Cadet Training Companies (CTCs) while upper class cadets are assigned to a leadership position or one of the lettered companies (A – D Co.)


The Norwich University Corps of Cadets, through a four-year military experience, progressively develops adaptive leaders of character preparing them to assume the most challenging roles in the military, government, industry, business, and their community.

MISSION ESSENTIAL TASKS 1. Conduct academic enrichment operations and supporting activities 2. Develop leaders of character 3. Conduct physical training and wellness operations 4. Conduct leader training 5. Develop leaders committed to selfless service


The Norwich University Corps of Cadets (NUCC) develops cadets, through a four-year progressive leadership model (4YPLM) which is found in our capstone document, the Norwich University Corps of Cadets Leader Development System. The 4YPLM has four lines of effort: Intellectual, Moral, Physical and Social/Cultural. Cadets progress through the four-year experience from learning how to BE a cadet, knowing leadership through understanding theory, and finally bydoing through service in progressively more challenging positions in the Corps.

ROOK TRAINING The Rooks training system is a long established tradition at Norwich. The Rook experience is designed to teach you how to be a cadet, learn to be a leader and be prepared for success in the Norwich University Corps of Cadets (NUCC) and life.

Rook training will be conducted in three phases:

1. Rook Week: All Rooks report to Norwich prior to the start of classes to undergo a period of orientation and indoctrination into the military lifestyle. Training during this period will teach you the basic skills required to be a cadet. The period will focus on daily operations and procedures such as how to maintain your room and uniforms, basic military courtesy, drill and ceremony, academic skills and physical fitness training.

12 2. Basic Training: This period is focused on ensuring cadets are fully prepared for the start of the academic year. Events that will occur during this period include meeting with your advisor, receiving briefings on student services such as the Academic Achievement Center (AAC), Counseling and Wellness Center, and the Registrar’s office. In addition to academics, this phase continues to focus on three areas: Drill, daily operations and procedures, and physical training. The Basic Training phase will culminate with rook recognition.

3. Advanced Training: This post-recognition phase affords new cadets with limited privileges and prepares them for their life as upper-class leaders.


Rooks are required to comply with the following requirements and restrictions in addition to the Guiding Values, Honor Code Manual, Norwich University Student Rules and Regulations (NUSRR), Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual, NU Academic Regulations, and all University Policies.

13 Specific Rook Instructions:

1. Report any unreasonable, immoral, or unlawful order or any suspected act of hazing to the next higher cadet officer or noncommissioned officer in the chain of command and to the Commandant Staff within 24 hours. 2. Learn cadet knowledge. The information published in this Cadet Handbook pertaining to such things as leadership, training, traditions, the Honor Code and Norwich University history. 3. Rooks are required to march in the gutter and on the right side of all walkways. Rooks on crutches will march in the most direct route utilizing any walkway in the safest manner possible. 4. Maintain proper Rook grooming standards. 5. Be at ease in academic buildings (no squaring). 6. Listen attentively during instruction. Rooks will not fall asleep in class. Sleeping in class is disrespectful and unproductive. If you must stand in the back of the class to stay awake, do so. 7. Rooks will ask questions and make requests utilizing the proper cadet chain of command. Norwich Faculty and Staff operate on the basis of open door policy. The primary mission of the Commandant’s Office and your Faculty Advisor is to guide, mentor, and help you. Rooks are strongly encouraged to see or call their Faculty Advisor or Commandant staff at any time. Assistant Commandants will typically ask if you have addressed your issue with your cadet chain of command. 8. Be in the uniform of the day unless ordered otherwise by their cadre. 9. Carry all items in their left hand whenever possible. Backpacks may be worn as designed, with shoulder straps over both shoulders. 10. Remove headgear when entering any building or covered area. While at an outdoor athletic event, Rooks may take off their headgear when seated in the bleachers. 11. Have their Cadet Handbook, black pen, blank index cards, room key, mail key, and NU Student Identification Card on their person at all times when outside their barracks. 12. Be in ranks five minutes prior to formations.

13. Stand at the position of attention when addressed by officers or cadet officers.

14 14. Stand at the position of parade rest when addressed by noncommissioned officers or cadet noncommissioned officers. 15. Wear white name tags as required: Class B (summer and winter), P.T. (except during physical activity); cadet jacket. The white name tag will be worn in accordance with NUCC SOP. First Year Cadets wear the white name tag until they are recognized by the Regimental commander. 16. Be permitted to check their mail and purchase items at the bookstore, laundry, and the uniform store at their discretion.

Rooks Are Not Allowed To:

1. Loiter in the mailroom, bookstore, the Mill, Dunkin’ Donuts, or athletic facilities. 2. Purchase, possess, or use tobacco. 3. Use the center doors of Jackman Hall or any barracks (except Alumni Hall). 4. Request Regular Leave, as a general rule. Regular Leave for doctor appointments and extreme family situations may be submitted through the chain of command with the assistance of one’s leader and approved by the Company Mentor or Assistant Commandant; Emergency Leave and Local Absence is submitted directly to the Company Mentor or Assistant Commandant. 5. Wear civilian attire on or off campus unless prescribed by the Assistant Commandant. 6. Utilize the Centennial Stairs or Bicentennial Stairs. 7. Utilize the Mill snack bar, Dunkin’ Donuts, and Partridge Pub until authorized by the Regimental Commander. 8. Double-time between classes, on steps and in the hallways of barracks. 9. Listen to music, watch videos or movies, or play video games (for leisure time pursuits unless organized and authorized by the Commandant).

9. Refer to themselves in the “third person”.

Pertaining to the Barracks:

1. Rooks/cadets will come to attention or call “Attention” when an officer, cadet officer,

15 or a University Official enters a room. Rooks will come to the position of parade rest when a noncommissioned officer or cadet noncommissioned officer enters a room. Rooks/cadets will call the hall to attention when a Vermont State Militia (VSM) or active duty military officer enters the hallway. If a more senior officer enters the hallway subsequent to the first officer the hall would be called to attention again.

2. Rooks may visit other Rooks rooms within the platoon for academic purposes without permission from the cadet chain of command.

3. When reporting or visiting the room of another cadet, a Rook will knock, identify themselves. Rooks will enter upon invitation of the occupant.

4. Rooks using the latrine showers will wear the Norwich bathrobe, shower clogs, and a white towel draped over their left shoulder. Rooks will not do facing movements when squaring the hall in shower footwear.

5. Rooks are required to have a phone in their room for official calls. Rooks are authorized to make and/or receive one ten minute unofficial/personal phone call per week (Sunday) prior to pass down.

6. Rooks are authorized unrestricted Internet access for academic purposes and unrestricted email access for personal communication. Rooks are authorized personal communications for up to 30 minutes daily using social media.

7. Evening study and quiet hours are in effect from 1930 hours through 2200 (lights out) hours Monday through Friday; Rooks will assume individual responsibility for study, personal hygiene, and uniform maintenance. Room doors will be open during this period, except when required for privacy (hygiene, dressing, etc.).

8. Sunday is a day of rest for all students; time is to be utilized for study, worship, and personal time only – quiet hours are in effect all day in the barracks, with lights out NLT 2200 hours on Sunday. Rooks are allowed to close their doors on Sundays.

9. Call to Quarters (CQ) will be from 2200 hours until First Call the next morning and all day on Sunday. Rooks will not sound off or square the hall during this time. Rooks are permitted to “cut the hall” and walk in the most direct route during this time. Rook doors will be closed during CQ.

10. Rook doors will be locked when the room is unoccupied.

16 11. Twice daily, Rooks will read the training schedule and check information posted on the unit bulletin boards or Norwich email account.

12. Each Rook is authorized snack food that is low in fat and sugar and has high nutritional value.

13. Rooks will use the barracks stairs designated by the Company Commander.

14. Rooks will not talk with other Rooks while in latrines, hallways or stairwells unless directed to do so.

Pertaining to the Dining Facility:

1. Rooks will remove their headgear upon entering the vestibule of the dining facility.

2. The Norwich ID card is the Rook meal card and Rooks must have their ID card in their possession at all times when entering the dining facility.

3. Rooks will NOT double time or square in the dining facility.

4. Rooks will only be seated in the Abare Room Dining Room, second floor dining area separate from the upper classmen unless an exception is approved by the Commandant.

5. Each table, space permitting, should have a cadet leader to teach and demonstrate proper etiquette.

6. At no time will Rooks sound off in the dining facility. Rooks will speak in a normal tone of voice when addressed.

7. Rooks are free to select any item of food or beverage served by the dining facility. Rooks may take as much food as they want, but should not over indulge and waste food.

8. Rooks will not rest their arms on the table and will sit squarely on the seat with back straight.

9. Rooks are permitted to eat once they arrive at their table. Rooks in the vicinity of cadre sitting down should recognize the cadre with an appropriate greeting such as, “good morning Sir or Ma’am”.

17 10. Basic Dining Etiquette:

a. Use of the knife. Do not place the knife on the table once you have started using it. When you have finished with the knife, never place the handle on the table with the blade resting on the plate; simply place it on the upper right rim of the plate with the blade edge toward the center of the plate. Use your knife for cutting salad only when iceberg lettuce has been served. All other salads are cut with the fork only.

b. Use of the spoon. When used to eat soup, dip the soup away from you and then place the side of the spoon to your lips. When finished with the soup course, place the spoon in the soup plate with the bowl up, handle resting on the right rim of the plate. Do not place the soup spoon on the under plate unless a light soup or consommé has been served in a cup or bowl at which time the soup bowl is placed up on the right side of the under plate. When you have used a spoon with coffee or tea, place the spoon bowl up on the right side of the saucer.

c. Chicken and Other Fowl. At formal dinner no part of the bird is picked up with your fingers. Hold the meat on your plate with the fork and strip off the meat with your knife.

d. Olive Pits, Seeds, and Fish bones. Remove pits, seeds, or bones from the mouth with the thumb and forefinger and place them to one side of your dinner plate.

e. Foods that can reasonably considered finger food (e.g. bread, sandwich, hamburgers, hot dogs, ice cream cones, pizza, apples, bananas, etc.) may be placed in your mouth with your hands.

11. Unless hands are being used to eat, they will be placed on one’s lap.

12. Rooks will respond to cadre in polite discourse on issues of state, nation, and world events.


The Rook System is not easy. You will be asked to perform at a higher level than you are accustomed. Sustaining yourself at this higher level of performance places great demands on your personal character. To succeed, a new Rook must have a strong desire to be a Norwich Cadet and ultimately a graduate of this university.

18 Cadets must possess integrity, personal courage, self-discipline, loyalty to the Corps, maturity, and a great deal of confidence. Without any one of these, you will not succeed. Cadets must be physically, morally, and spiritually ready for the Norwich challenge. Good Luck!


The NUCC Customs and Courtesies are derived primarily from those of the U.S. military. They reflect all of our Norwich Guiding values and the military values of our society which have grown to be an integral part of life in the Corps of Cadets. The following are some of the primary examples of customs and courtesies that all cadets must know and adhere to. They generally fall into several categories: Respect for the nation and our institution; respect for authority; and duty and professionalism. The customs and courtesies are outward displays of our guiding values #4 and #8; “we encourage service to the Nation and others before self” and “we hold in highest esteem our people and our reputation.”


Respect for the nation and our national symbols demonstrate that we cherish patriotism, national pride, and the dedication to service and duty that our predecessors have exhibited. Respect for Norwich and our institutional symbols demonstrates the same and binds us all (past, present and future) as members of something special.

OUR NATIONAL COLORS There are four names in use for the flag of the United States: flag, colors, standard, ensign. The national colors, carried by dismounted units, measure 3 feet by 4 feet and are trimmed on three sides with golden yellow fringe 2½ inches in width. The standard, identical to the color, is the name traditionally used by mounted, motorized, or mechanized units. The ensign is the naval term for the national flag of any size flown from ships, small boats, and airships. Thy flag refers to the national colors when flown from a fixed flag pole.

Type, Purpose and Size of U.S. Flag (Army Reg. 840-10) Garrison flag holidays and special occasions, size 20’ hoist by 38’ fly Post flag general use size 10’ 11 3/8” hoist by 17’ fly feet 19 Field flag display with the positional field flag size 6’8” hoist by 12’ fly

Storm flag stormy weather size 5’ hoist by 9’ 6” fly Interment flag military funerals size 5’ hoist by 9’ 6” fly

Rules and Customs for Displaying the Flag of The United States were adopted by an act of Congress in 1942 and amended in 1976. They are found in Title 36 of the United States Code. a. The union, the field of blue with the grouping of stars representing the individual states, is the honor point and is the flag’s right. When the flag is displayed, the union is always to the right and to the top and to the flag’s own right (the left of the observer). b. The flag of the United States is never used as a drapery. It is not festooned over doorways or arches, tied in a bow, or fastened into a rosette. It is not used to cover a speaker’s desk or draped over the front of a platform. For those purposes, bunting may be used, giving the blue of the bunting the place of honor at the top of the arrangement or in the center of the rosette. In a dire emergency, the flag may be flown upside down as a distress signal. c. Dipping the Flag or Colors. The flag of the United States, national color, and national standard are never dipped by way of salute or compliment. The organizational colors or standard will be dipped in salute in all military ceremonies while the United States National Anthem, “To the Colors”, or a foreign national anthem is being played, and when rendering honors to the organizational commander or an individual of higher grade to include foreign dignitaries of higher grade, but in no other case.


Reveille and Retreat. The daily ceremonies of Reveille and Retreat constitute a dignified homage to the national flag at the beginning of the day, when it is raised, and at the end of the day, when it is lowered. Installation commanders direct the time of sounding

20 Reveille and Retreat. At most U.S. military installations, the flag will be hoisted at the sound of the first note of reveille. At the last note of retreat, a gun will be fired, at which time the band, bugler, or field music will play the National Anthem or “To the Color” and the flag is lowered. The lowering of the flag is regulated so it is completed with the last note of the music. The same respect will be shown by all military personnel whether the National Anthem is played or “To the Color” is sounded.

The Norwich Bugler: It has always been the custom at Norwich University for a bugler to sound all bugle calls. Norwich has never used recorded field music at these daily ceremonies. Bugle calls are reminders of past eras when they served as a means of communication with the troops to regulate the day, and as an essential means of communication on a noisy battlefield. Remaining is “Taps” the last sound of the bugle, as a soldier is laid to rest.

The Evening Gun: The evening gun, fired at the time of the Retreat ceremony, signifies the end of the normal Norwich University duty day at which time the flag is lowered. It is an extremely old custom of armies.

“Taps.” “Taps” is a bugle call of the U.S. Armed Forces played at dusk, during flag ceremonies, and at military funerals. The official military version is played by a single bugle or trumpet.

Echo Taps. Here at Norwich, we have developed the tradition of playing Echo Taps. Echo Taps is when two buglers (one positioned front and center and one positioned away and out of sight of the formation) play in response to each other. The tradition began in the fall of 1983 after the suicide bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon. In honor of our fallen servicemen the entire Corps met at taps on the upper parade ground at 2300. Echo taps was played and the Corps silently returned to their barracks. The following spring the practice was repeated after a tragic accident took the lives of three members of the Norwich University Fire Brigade. Echo Taps has evolved into a tradition that is repeated whenever a venerated national figure or Norwich Alum dies in service to the nation. It is requested by the Regimental Commander, approved by the President and typically occurs at 2200 hours.


The practice of carrying unit colors, standards, and guidons serves to act as a rallying point for troops and to mark the location of the commander. It is thought to have 21 originated 5,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt. The Romans employed standards as part of their vast armies. The practice was formalized in the armies of Europe in the Middle Ages with standards being emblazoned with the commander’s coat of arms. Today, organizational colors serve a very important role in esprit de corps, camaraderie, and unit identity. a. Organizational Colors. Typically, battalions, regiments and higher have colors. The colors are symbolic of their branch and past history. Such units are “color-bearing organizations.” The size of organizational colors is the same as the national color.

b. Guidons. A guidon is a military standard carried by company, battery, troop, or platoon-sized elements to signify their unit designation and branch/ corps affiliation. A basic guidon is usually rectangular with a triangular portion removed from the fly.


Military tradition highly values respect for authority because the efficient operation of a military unit requires it. It is also perfectly aligned with our Norwich Guiding values #4 and #7; “we encourage service to the Nation and others before self” and “we stress self-discipline, personal responsibility and respect for the law.”


Saluting is a tradition steeped in the warrior ethos. There are several legends concerning the origin of the salute. The most widely accepted version is from the Middle Ages. As the story goes, when two knights met, they raised the visors of their helmets so that they could more easily recognize each other. The gesture of moving hand to head endured through the ages as a recognition of one warrior to another and evolved into our modern salute. It is important to note that while the subordinate initiates the salute, the superior is obligated to return it. Hence respect is proffered in both directions; it represents the respect of two warriors who have dedicated themselves to the profession of arms.

The smartness with which an officer or cadet gives a salute indicates the pride the cadet has in his or her military responsibilities. A careless or half-hearted salute is discourteous and disrespectful. When reporting or rendering courtesy to an individual, turn the head and eyes toward the person addressed and simultaneously salute. Never shout when delivering a verbal greeting.


Cadets in uniform are required to salute when they meet and recognize persons entitled (by grade) to a salute except when it is inappropriate or impractical (in public conveyances such as planes and buses, in public places such as inside theaters, or when driving a vehicle.) A salute is also rendered:

1. When the United States National Anthem, “To the Color,” “Hail to the Chief,” or foreign national anthems are played. 2. To uncased National Color outdoors.

3. At Reveille and Retreat ceremonies, during the raising or lowering of the flag. 4. During the sounding of honors. 5. When pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag outdoors. 6. When turning over control of formations. 7. When rendering reports. 8. To officers of friendly foreign countries. 23 SALUTES ARE NOT REQUIRED WHEN:

1. Indoors, except when reporting to an officer or when on duty as a guard. 2. A prisoner. 3. Saluting is obviously inappropriate. (Example: a person carrying articles with both hands.)


The following rules will serve to govern a cadet’s conduct in special cases: 1. The junior always salutes first in passing a senior officer. 2. A greeting of the day should always accompany a salute. If an officer is accompanied by a civilian, it is proper courtesy to render appropriate greetings and acknowledge all persons present, not just the officer. 3. If eye contact is made with an officer passing several paces away, do not fail to salute because you are not “within six paces.” 4. When an officer or instructor enters a room occupied by a group of cadets, the first cadet who perceives him/her will command “Attention,” then all will rise and stand at attention until the officer either leaves the room or indicates otherwise.

5. In general, when a conversation takes place between a cadet and an officer, the following procedure is correct: Salutes are exchanged; the conversation is completed; salutes are again exchanged.

Exceptions: A cadet in ranks comes to attention and does not salute.


Reporting indoors. When reporting to an officer in his office, the cadet removes his headgear, knocks, and enters when told to do so. He approaches within two steps of the officer’s desk, halts, salutes, and reports. “SIR/(MA’AM), CADET JONES REPORTS.” The salute is held until the report is completed and the salute has been returned by the officer. When dismissed, the cadet salutes, holds the salute until it has been returned, executes the appropriate facing movement, and departs. When reporting indoors under arms the procedure is the same except the headgear is not removed and the cadet renders the salute prescribed for the weapon with which he is armed.

24 Reporting outdoors. When reporting outdoors, the cadet moves rapidly toward the officer, halts approximately three steps from the officer, salutes, and reports (as when indoors). When the cadet is dismissed by the officer, salutes are again exchanged. If under arms, the soldier carries the weapon in the manner prescribed for saluting.

The Place of Honor. The place of honor is on the right. Accordingly, when a junior walks, rides, or sits with a senior, he or she takes position abreast and to the left of the senior. The junior should walk in step with the senior, step back and allow the senior to be the first to enter a door, and render similar acts of consideration and courtesy.

Rising when a superior enters a room. Cadets are expected to stand and come to the position of attention when a person with more senior in rank or position enters the room. This practice is common in business as well. The senior officer can then instruct the person to be seated, but if they fail to say anything, one should remain standing. The same is true when a faculty member enters the classroom (unless and/or until instructed to cease). We do this as a sign of respect for our teachers and for those who are senior to us.

Use of the Word “Sir” and “Ma’am.” The word “Sir” or “Ma’am” should be used to convey respect in polite conversation by the junior in addressing a more senior. Rooks should call all upperclassmen “Sir” or “Ma’am.”

Use your Chain of Command. The jumping of an echelon of command is called “Jumping the Chain of Command.” Give your immediate leader a chance to help you or solve your problem before you jump a level. If you feel they haven’t or cannot fix your problem, have the personal courage to tell your superior that you are going to talk to their superior.


Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel

To recoginize that Norwich University is the birthplace of ROTC, cadet officers wear pips and diamonds on the class B and DCP. To honor our past, cadet officers continue to wear the traditional Norwich University cadet officer stripes on the class A blues and tunic uniforms.


Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Cadet Private Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant First Class Master Sergeant

Cadet Cadet Cadet First Sergeant Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major



27 28 For 200 years, the faculty of Norwich University have worn a uniform similar to that of the United States Army. This tradition started with our founder and first president, Captain Alden Partridge. Such outfitting and rank structure is defined in Vermont Law with the authority resting with the Board of Trustees and the President of the University to implement. Our faculty is made up of wonderfully educated and experienced individuals—some with prior military service and some without. Even faculty members who have never served in our United States military wear the uniform of the Vermont State Militia as a tradition of the oldest private military school in the nation.

The rank structure of the VSM uniform is equivalent to a faculty member’s academic rank and is based on the amount of time it takes to reach certain academic ranks.

All cadets are required to render the same military courtesies to uniformed faculty as they would any other uniformed person of that rank.


The Raising of the Right Hand in Taking Oath. This act is an outward display of your inner commitment to do your duty and uphold your honor. Service members take an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Cadets at Norwich take several oaths; the first of which being the Cadet Oath, but also the Cadet Cadre Oath. When you take an oath, always make sure you mean what you say and that you are absolutely steadfast in the accomplishment of the details of the oath.


The Code of Conduct of the U.S. Armed Forces is an ethical guide to members of the United States Armed Forces, addressing how they should act in combat when they must evade capture, resist while a prisoner, or escape from the enemy. It is considered an important part of U.S. military doctrine and tradition. The Code of Conduct is important to Norwich cadets because of our deep ties to the U.S. Military, the warrior ethos, and our founder Captain Alden Partridge’s desire to develop our graduates into citizen- soldiers. Additionally, it illuminates many of our Norwich Guiding Values. All Cadets must memorize the code.


29 I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

ARTICLE II. I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender my men while they still have the means to resist.

ARTICLE III. If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

ARTICLE IV. If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

ARTICLE V. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering other questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

ARTICLE VI. I will never forget that I am an American, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and the United States of America.


I believe that the cardinal virtues of the individual are courage, honesty, temperance and wisdom; and that the true measure of success is service rendered–to God, to Country, and to Mankind.

I believe that the fundamental problem of society is to maintain a free government wherein liberty may be secured through obedience to law, and that a citizen soldiery is the corner- stone upon which such a government must rest.

30 I believe that real education presupposes a sense of proportion in physical, mental, and moral development; and that he alone is educated who has learned the lessons of self control and open-mindedness.

I believe in Norwich, my Alma Mater, because within her halls throughout the years these tenets have found expression while men have been taught to be loyal to duly constituted authority in thought and word and deed; to view suffrage as a sacred privilege to be exercised only in accordance with the dictates of conscience; to regard public office as a public trust; and finally to fight, and if need be to die, in defense of the cherished institutions of America. ­ —K.R.B. Flint, NU 1903 K.R.B. Flint, NU 1903, joined the Norwich faculty in 1907 and was associated with the University as a teacher, head of the Department of Social Sciences, and Professor Emeritus for sixty-two years thereafter. The University awarded Professor Flint an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws when he retired in 1952. Flint Hall is named in his honor.


Norwich University Guiding value #4 states, “we encourage service to nation and others before self”. The Norwich University Corps of Cadets Interior Guard serves to educate and train cadets on the importance of duty. The Norwich University Student Rules and Regulations (NUSRR) and the Guard Regulations and Instructions govern the operation of the guard.


Every Cadet in the Corps is required to memorize, understand and comply with their General Orders which are:

• General Order #1 – I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. • General Order #2 – I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner. • General Order #3 – I will report any violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief. 31 THE TRADITION OF PROFESSIONALISM

Avoid Having People Guess Your Name. Do not assume that an individual with whom you have not corresponded in a considerable period will know your name when a contact is renewed. Tell him or her at once who you are, and then renew the acquaintance.

Proffer No Excuses. Don’t make excuses or explain shortcomings unless an explanation is required. Professionals accomplish the mission.

Conduct Yourself Professionally (at all times, on campus and off) Harsh remarks should be avoided. It is unprofessional to convey gossip, slander, and/or harsh criticism. Avoid vulgarity and profanity. Foul and vulgar language is often unprofessional and unnecessary. Never keep anyone waiting (superior or subordinate). When someone has to wait for you, you are telling them subconsciously that their time doesn’t matter. It is disrespectful of the individual and erodes trust and confidence in your relationship with the individual.

Wear Your Uniform Properly and with Pride. Norwich guiding values #7 and #8 state; “we stress self-discipline, personal responsibility and respect for the law” and “we hold in high esteem our people and reputation.” Nothing illustrates these values more than the proper wear of the cadet uniform. Each cadet is expected to uphold the uniform standards and wear their uniform with pride. The uniform code flags serve as the guide to the uniform required at morning quarters formation every day.


Uniform code flags will be displayed on the uniform code flag mast (Upper Parade side) to denote the uniform of the day. The uniform of the day is mandatory for all cadets in normal duty status.

Maroon NU PT shirt & shorts Orange Class B - Summer Green Class B - Winter Orange & White Super Class B – Summer Green & White Super Class B – Winter Brown OCP

32 Purple Gray Tunic w/gray trousers Purple & White Gray Tunic w/white trousers Blue & White Dress Blues w/white trousers

Uniform code flags will be displayed on the uniform code flag mast (Dewey Hall side) to denote the outer garments to be worn. The wearing of outer garments is mandatory for all cadets in normal duty status.

Maroon & White NU PT running suit Green Summer cadet jacket Black OCP Camouflage jacket Blue Black Gor-Tex® jacket

The following streamers, when displayed with the uniform of the day flag denotes:

Red White Cotton Gloves Black Black Leather Gloves White Green Fleece Cap Orange Gray Service Cover Yellow White Service Cover Blue Under Arms ABU, ACU, MARPAT, NWU Appropriate ROTC uniform/TAT

The following code flags, displayed on the uniform code mast (Dewey Hall side), have special significance:

Red Distinguished Visitor On The Hill Yellow & White Formation Inside Yellow Formation Canceled White w/ Blue Cross Religious Service In Chapel


Alpha Hotel Oscar Victor

Bravo India Papa Whiskey

Charlie Juliett Quebec X-ray

Delta Kilo Romeo Yankee

Echo Lima Sierra Zulu

Foxtrot Mike Tango

Golf November Uniform


0100: 1 a.m. 0900: 9 a.m. 1700: 5 p.m.

0200: 2 a.m. 1000: 10 a.m. 1815: 6:15 p.m.

0300: 3 a.m. 1100: 11 a.m. 1900: 7 p.m.

0400: 4 a.m. 1200: noon 2000: 8 p.m.

0500: 5 a.m. 1300: 1 p.m. 2130: 9:30 p.m.

0600: 6 a.m. 1400: 2 p.m. 2200: 10 p.m.

0700: 7 a.m. 1500: 3 p.m. 2300: 11 p.m.

0800: 8 a.m. 1600: 4 p.m. 2400: midnight

CORPS SLANG AAR After Action Review AC Assistant Commandant APOD Absent Place of Duty ASAP As soon as possible CLBC Cadet Leader Basic Course – Second year cadet training

34 CADRE Cadet leader assigned to train in a Rook training unit CAM Corporal Academic Mentor CC Campus Confinement – Disciplinary sanction requiring cadet to remain on campus CHC Corps Honor Committee CIVIES Civilian clothing CMC Closed Military Confinement – Disciplinary sanction requiring cadet to remain in barracks room when off duty CO Commanding Officer; also Commandant’s Orderly COB Close of Business COC Chain of Command CSM Command Sergeant Major D&C Drill and Ceremony DAF Disciplinary Action Form DS Detached Service – Authorization to miss classes or training for a University sanctioned event DT Disciplinary Tours FAT Friday Afternoon Training – Period from 1600-1700 FTX Field Training Exercise IAW In Accordance With IG Inspector General LDX Leadership Development Exercise MCV Military College of Vermont MARCHING TOUR Fifty minutes of marching with a rifle on the tour strip NCO Non-Commissioned Officer NUCC Norwich University Corps of Cadets NUEMS NU Emergency Medical Services NUSRR NU Student Rules and Regulations OML Order of Merit List – Numerical standing of a cadet by class PAO Public Affairs Officer

35 PL Platoon Leader PT Physical Training PFT Physical Fitness Test PSG Platoon Sergeant RACK Your bed RDO Regimental Duty Officer – In charge of the Interior Guard RDR Regimental Duty Runner RDS Regimental Duty Sergeant ROOK First year cadet not recognized into the NUCC SADO Student Affairs Duty SL Squad Leader SMC Senior Military College SMT Saturday Morning Training – Period from 0700-0900 SOP Standard Operating Procedures STT Sergeant’s Training TAT Tuesday Afternoon Training – Period from 1300-1350 TOUR STRIP Asphalt strip at north end of UP by the flag pole WORKING TOUR Fifty minutes of supervised work at an authorized location UMR Unit Manning Report – List of every member of a unit UNDER ARMS Carrying a rifle, saber or sword UNSAT Performance not meeting standards; unsatisfactory UOD Uniform of the Day – Required uniform for cadets to wear UP Upper Parade Ground VAP Violation of the Alcohol Policy


The military has always had a strong tradition of song. Songs about the Nation and the unit evoke patriotism and membership, camaraderie and esprit de corps. The following is a list of songs that have great meaning for the Norwich Corps of Cadets. As such, all cadets should memorize and sing these songs with pride.

36 The Star-Spangled Banner

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright star, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen thro’ the mists of the deep, Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: ‘Tis the Star-Spangled Banner: oh long may it wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh, thus be it e’er, when free-men shall stand Between their loved home and war’s desolation; Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n rescued land Praise the Pow’r that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just; And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!” And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. “The Star Spangled Banner.” Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran & company, 1942.

37 Norwich Forever

Norwich forever, queen of the hills, When far from thee, still memory thrills recalling Scenes and old friendship, songs and old cheers, Memories that fade not through the changing years. Norwich forever, through rain and shine, Sunset and dawning, still we are thine and in Defeat or in victory we shall acclaim Thy dauntless spirit and thy deathless name. Norwich, forever, hail, hail to thee, Bright is thy glory, won in the long years and we Pledge thee our future, thee to adore Till in the skies the stars shall burn no more.

Lyrics: Arthur Wallace Peach H ’50 Tune: “True Blue”

Norwich Hymn

We hail thee, Alma Mater fair, Beneath thy northern sky, And sing thy praise as have thy sons Through all the years gone by. We shall keep bright, though far we roam On life’s unchartered ways, The memory of comrades old And good old Norwich days. And in defeat or victory Our pledge we shall renew To steadfast stand, through weal or woe, For love of old N. U.

Lyrics: Arthur Wallace Peach H ’50 Music: John I. Twombly, Class of 1924


Almighty God, in reverence for You, I seek to think and act in ways that are consistent with Your perfect will. I humbly confess my failures and request forgiveness for my sins.

As a member of the Corps of Cadets, my desire is to reach beyond the mere requirements of our Honor Code and pursue an even higher standard of excellence - the one that You Yourself possess. Help me always to do what is ethically right. May I be the example - never the exception! May I be known for honesty in my words, fidelity to my commitments, and persistency in my responsibilities. May my effectiveness as a leader be measured by my strength of character, my trustworthiness, and others’ willingness to follow me. Lord God, may I always be above reproach, but never beyond scrutiny! Convict and correct me if ever my motives or methods lack integrity. And by your grace may I demonstrate the unbending courage to constantly reflect the best of what it means to be a Norwich Cadet. Amen!*

*or the Christian Benediction: “In Jesus’ Name, Amen!” Reverend William S. Wick, Norwich University Chaplain


“In his initial prospectus of Norwich a century and a quarter ago, Captain Partridge wrote: ‘... in every republic the due cultivation of proper military information is indispensably necessary for the preservation of liberty.’ With that statement and in that conviction he founded this great college, and pioneered the establishment of the military collegiate institutions of our country. In a very real sense he gave to the country, in an hour of greatest need, thousands of young men trained in both military and civil fields, thoroughly grounded in the fundamental essentials of complete citizenship and sound leadership.”

—GA Dwight D. Eisenhower, USA


1819 Founded by Captain Alden Partridge at Norwich, Vermont as The American Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy. The first brick was laid on 6 Aug and is now celebrated annually as Founder’s Day.

1820 Band organized, oldest collegiate band in the nation. First instruction in Civil Engineering offered in the U.S.

1825 Academy moved to Middletown, Connecticut. 1829 Academy moved back to Vermont following Connecticut’s refusal to grant a charter.

1834 Academy received a charter from the State of Vermont recognizing the institution as Norwich University. 1856 Alpha Chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity founded. 1860 General Alumni Association formed and chartered.

1866 South Barracks at Norwich, Vermont burned; Norwich moved to Northfield, Vermont.

1868 Old Barracks first university building built in Northfield, Vermont, named Jackman Hall in 1907.

1880 University name changed by Vermont Legislative Act to Lewis College, restored to Norwich University in 1884.

40 1887 First Commandant and Professor of Military Science and Tactics detailed by the War Department.

1898 Norwich designated “The Military College of the State of Vermont” by the Vermont Legislature.

1901 Charles E. Wheatley named the first cadet major. Dewey Hall constructed as a memorial to Admiral George Dewey.

1907 Carnegie Library constructed, renamed Henry Prescott Chaplin Memorial Library in 1952; Electrical Engineering Department established.

1909 First mounted horse cavalry instruction to a class of 60 cadets. U.S. Weather Bureau constructed, renamed Ainsworth Infirmary in 1955.

1916 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps established, Norwich designated a Senior Division Cavalry Unit. Harold “Doc” Martin entered Norwich, the first African American Cadet.

1919 Centennial Celebration, stairs and gate post erected. 1921 Sabine Field dedicated in honor of Dr. George K. Sabine. 1923 Class ring tradition started. 1927 Norwich cadets called to assist as record rainfall (8.63”) caused disastrous flood in Central Vermont.

1929 Armory constructed; named Plumley Armory in 1962.

1937 “Shock Platoon” established and later re-designated as the Drill Company.

1941 White Hall constructed as dining hall, converted to White Memorial Chapel in 1962. 1943 Special Commencement due to WWII. 1943-46 University facilities devoted to Army Air Corps Air Crew Training, Army Specialized Training, and Army Specialized Training Reserve Programs; there was no Corps of Cadets.

1946 Horse cavalry officially replaced by armored cavalry. 1947 ROTC Mountain and Winter Warfare training program established. 1950 Corps reorganized from a squadron to a regiment; Walter T. Burch is named the first cadet colonel.

41 1951 Honor System adopted. 1954 South Gateway constructed. 1955 Alden Partridge Statue unveiled. 1956 Adams Carillon Tower constructed. 1962 Sabine Field Gateway constructed. Old Stables converted into Cadet Service Center and Indoor Rifle Range.

1964 Jackman Hall, the Old Barracks, demolished. 1965 New Jackman Hall constructed. 1972 Vermont College purchased. Air Force ROTC established. 1974 First women enter the Corps of Cadets, two years before the Federal Service Academies.

1975 NU Color Guard designated as the Official Color Guard of the State of Vermont Cadet Diane Halliday, first female cadet to graduate, commissions in the U.S. Air Force.

1984 Navy and Marine Corps ROTC established. 1986 MG Ernest N. Harmon statue unveiled. 1987 Jacob Shapiro Field House constructed. 1988 Norwich University Cemetery dedicated.

1992 Norwich Ski area closed.

1993 Kreitzberg Library constructed. GEN Gordon R. Sullivan,’59, promoted to Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. Undergraduate programs at Vermont College moved to Northfield and populations consolidated.

1995 Cadet Tracey L. Jones, ’96, first Norwich student to be selected as Rhodes Scholar.

1997 Sarah S. Patchem ’98 first female to be promoted to cadet colonel. 1998 Kreitzberg Arena constructed on former site of Taylor Arena.

2001 Vermont College sold. 2007 Sullivan Museum and History Center and Wise Campus Center constructed.

42 2008 South Hall constructed on Upper Disney Field. 2009 Class of ’59 Bridge constructed. Corps of Cadets reorganized to establish Cadet Training Companies (CTC).

2011 Norwich students called to assist after Tropical Storm Irene flooding after rainfall of up to 8.15” in Vermont.

2014 Dalrymple Hall constructed on Upper Disney Field. 2016 100th year anniversary of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps celebrated at Norwich University.

2017 Brig Gen Kimberly Baumann, ’87, first Norwich female general officer. 2018 Mack Hall constructed 2019 Bicentennial celebration. Stairs adjacent to Sullivan Museum and History Center erected.

2020 Vermont State governor declares state of emergency due to COVID-19 public health emergency. Norwich University announced all classes to be conducted using digital technologies beginning 23 March 2020

2021 President Mark Anarumo announces return to normal operations for the 2021-22 academic year.

43 oUr FoUNdiNG Father By Gary Lord

OURAlden FOUNDING Partridge FATHER(born 1785, died 1854), educated at Dartmouth College By Gary Lord, Dana Professor Emeritus of History and the United States Military Academy, conceived a highly innovative plan of Alden Partridge (born 1785, died 1854), educated national education that encouraged at Dartmouth College and the United States Military growth of the private military school Academy, conceived a highly innovative plan of movement in the United States and national education that encouraged growth of the served as mod el for the 1916 legislation private military school movement in the United Statescreating and theserved Reserve as model Officers’ for the 1916 Training legislation creatingCorps (ROTC).the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). Alden Partridge’s interest in educational reform first emerged Alden Partridge’s interest in educational reform first emerged when he was superintendent when he was superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy. After of the U.S. Military Academy. After studying at Dartmouth College for three years, Partridge studying at Dartmouth College for three years, Partridge entered the entered the recently founded academy at West Point, New York, where, in 1806 he was recently founded academy at West Point, New York, where, in 1806 commissioned a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Partridge’s assignment was to teach at he was commissioned a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Partridge’s West Point, first mathematics and later engineering. He concurrently served in an administrative assignment was to teach at West Point, first mathematics and later capacity, becoming superintendent in 1815 at age 29. engineering. He concurrently served in an administrative capacity, becomingThat same year,superintendent Partridge submitted in 1815 to Congress, at age 29.through his superiors, a detailed plan to correctThat deficiencies same year in the curriculumthen Captain at West Partridge Point along submittedwith a proposal to for Congress, a comprehensive throughnational system his superiors, of military education. a detailed He saw plan the to conclusion correct of deficiencies hostilities with Greatin the Britain curriculumas an opportune at timeWest for Point an enlargement along with of the a curriculum.proposal Partridge, for a comprehensive whose own education nationalwas a blend system of technical of study military and the liberaleducation. arts, sought He authorization saw the toconclusion add teaching staff ofwho hostilities could offer instructionwith Great in natural Britain history, as chemistry,an opportune mineralogy, time literature, for ethics, an and history. Despite its many virtues, the plan died in committee – a victim of pressures to reduce enlargement of the curriculum. Partridge, whose own education was military spending and sectional jealousies over the location of two proposed new academies. a blend of technical study and the liberal arts, sought authorization toCaptain add teachingPartridge’s replacementstaff who ascould superintendent offer instruction by Major Sylvanus in natural Thayer, history,in 1817, further chemistry,vexed him and mineralogy, prompted protests literature, and obstructionism ethics, onand Partridge’s history. part Despite that ultimately its led manyto his resignation virtues, fromthe planthe Army. died Before in committee resigning, Partridge – a victim had begun of topressures develop plans to for a reduceprivate institution, military the spending American Literary,and sectional Scientific jealousiesand Military Academy,over the in hislocation hometown of ofNorwich, two proposed Vermont. Formally new academies. established in 1819, Partridge’s academy, recognized as Norwich University in 1834, was the first private institution for military education in the United States. 104

44 Alden Partridge shared the widely held notion of his contemporaries that standing armies are potential threats to civil liberties and republican institutions. Since a well-trained citizen- soldiery was seen as the best protection for a republic, the militia had to be trained in the rudiments of military science and tactics. Accordingly, Partridge devised a novel “American System of Education” that was designed to meet the needs of a democratic republic. He sought to make the traditional curriculum more practical, scientific, and modern, an integral part of which was its distinctive provision for military instruction. However, even though his students lived under a military regimen Partridge did not recommend a strictly military education for them, favoring one in which military instruction would only be an “appendage” to civil education. Thus, Partridge worked to prepare his students for useful and responsible roles as civilians, but, when necessary, they could assume military responsibilities as officers in a citizen army. For this reason, Partridge is generally regarded as the “spiritual” father of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.

After obtaining a charter from the Vermont Legislature in 1834 for Norwich University, Partridge helped cultivate state legislative support for the creation of the Virginia Military Institute (1839) and The Citadel in South Carolina (1842). Although Partridge was unsuccessful in persuading the legislature to fund a military professorship for the University of Virginia, he joined the growing chorus of support for converting the state arsenal at Lexington into a school that would offer “literary, scientific, and military instruction.” Partridge also delivered a series of military lectures in South Carolina with the encouragement of its governor. Significantly, the plan of education assembled by the board of visitors of The Citadel reads very much like a Partridge text.

After Partridge resigned from the presidency of Norwich University in 1843, he continued vigorously to promote his American System of Education. A skillful and effective lecturer, Partridge was a great success in public forums throughout the country and probably did more than any other individual to promote military education in American civilian institutions prior to the Civil War. His concept of combining civilian and military studies in order to produce enlightened and effective citizen-soldiers continues to have currency today.

Sources: Henry Barnard, Military Schools and Courses of Instruction in the Science and Art of War (rev. ed.) (New York; E. Steiger, 1872). Marcus Cunliffe, Soldiers & Civilians: The Martial Spirit in America, 1775-1865 (2nd ed.) (New York; Free Press, 1973). 45 William A. Ellis, ed., Norwich University, 1819-1911, Her History, Her Graduates, Her Role of Honor, 3 vols. (Montpelier, VT: Grenville M. Dodge, 1911).

Lester A. Webb, Captain Alden Partridge and the United States Military Academy, 1806- 1833 (Northport, AL: American Southern, 1965).

Reprinted from: William E. Simons, ed., Professional Military Education in the United States: A Historical Dictionary (Greenwood Press, 2000), pp. 242-244

PRESIDENTS OF NORWICH UNIVERSITY CPT Alden Partridge, USA...... 1819-1843 COL Truman B. Ransom, USA, NU 1825...... + 1844-1847 The Reverend James Davie Butler...... 1847-1848 Professor Henry S. Wheaton, NU 1841...... + 1848-1849 The Reverend Edward Bourns...... 1850-1865 COL Samuel W. Shattuck, VSM, NU 1860...... * + 1865-1867 MAJ Thomas Woodruff Walker, USA...... 1867-1868 The Reverend Roger Strong Howard...... 1869-1871 The Reverend Malcolm Douglass...... 1871-1875 The Reverend Josiah Swett, NU 1837...... + 1875-1877 COL Charles A. Curtis, USA, NU 1861...... + 1877-1880 LTC Charles H. Lewis, USA, NU 1855...... + 1880-1892 Dr. George Nichols, MD...... * + 1885-1895 Professor Charles Dole, NU 1869...... * + 1895-1896 CDR Allan Danvers Brown, USN...... 1896-1904 Professor Charles H. Spooner, NU 1878...... + 1904-1915 COL Ira Louis Reeves, USA...... 1915-1917 Professor Herbert Rufus Roberts...... * 1917-1920 The Honorable Charles A. Plumley, NU 1896...... + 1920-1934 LCDR Porter H. Adams, USNR...... 1934-1939 The Reverend John Martin Thomas...... 1939-1944 Professor Homer Levi Dodge, PhD...... 1944-1950 MG Ernest N. Harmon, USA...... 1950-1965 GEN Barksdale Hamlett, USA...... 1965-1972 Professor Loring Edward Hart, PhD...... 1972-1982 MG W. Russell Todd, USA, ’50...... + 1982-1992 RADM Richard W. Schneider, USCGR...... 1992-2020 Col Mark C. Anarumo, USAF...... 2020- * acting Presidents


CPT Charles A. Curtis, USA,NU 1861...... 1869-1875 Professor Charles Dole, NU 1869...... 1875-1876 CPT Charles A. Curtis, USA, NU 1861 ...... 1876-1880 CPT William M. Rumbaugh, VTNG, NU 1876...... 1880-1886 CPT John C. Wait, VTNG...... 1886-1887 CPT Edward H. Catlin, USA...... 1887-1890 2LT Jesse M. Carter, USA...... 1890-1891 1LT Frederick C. Kimball, USA...... 1891-1893 1LT Henry C. Keene, USA...... 1893-1895 1LT Henry W. Hovey, USA...... 1895-1898 Professor Arthur E. Winslow, NU 189...... *1898 CPT Henry W. Hovey, USA...... 1898-1899 CPT John P. Moseley, VTNG, NU 1899...... 1899-1900 1LT Charles H. Cabannis, USA...... *1900 CPT Charles S. Carleton, NU 1896...... 1900-1902 MAJ Henry W. Hovey, USA...... 1902-1906 CPT Leslie A. I. Chapman, USA...... 1906-1910 MAJ Luther P. Bayley, VTNG, NU 1909...... 1910-1911 CPT Frank Tompkins, USA...... 1911-1913 1LT Ralph M. Parker, USA...... 1913-1916 MAJ Frank Tompkins, USA...... 1916-1917 CPT George L. Byroade, USA...... 1917-1918 MAJ Arthur M. Edwards, USA...... 1918-1919 COL Frank Tompkins, USA...... 1919-1923 1LT John C. MacDonald, USA...... 1923-1927 CPT Ernest N. Harmon, USA...... 1927-1931 MAJ Joseph M. Tully, USA...... 1931-1935 MAJ Charles R. Johnson, USA...... 1935-1938 LTC George S. Andrew, USA...... 1938-1941

47 MAJ Merton E. Ashton, USA...... *1941 MAJ General Leon B. Kromer, USA...... 1941-1943 COL Wilson T. Bals, USA...... *1943 LTC John W. Hosmer, AUS, NU 1937...... 1943-1945 LTC Robert, D. Guinn, USA...... 1945-1946 LTC John W. Hosmer, AUS , NU 1937...... 1946-1947 COLCarl J. Dockler, USA, NU 1919...... 1947-1950 COL Briard P. Johnson, USA, NU 1927...... 1950-1951 COL George B. Anderson, USA, NU 1916...... *1951 Maj Gen Oscar R. Cauldwell, USMC...... 1951-1953 LTC John W. Black, USA...... 1953-1957 COL George V. H. Moseley, Jr., USA...... 1957-1959 COL Michael Popowski, Jr., USA, NU 1934...... 1959-1962 COL Hugh R. O’Farrell, USA...... 1962-1966 LTC Rodgers L. Gregory, USA...... 1966-1970 CDR William F. Beatty, USN...... 1970-1973 COL John B. Wadsworth, USA...... 1973-1977 COL Paul D. La Fond, USMC...... 1977-1979 COL David A. Hicks, USA, ’50...... 1979-1981 COL Gerald G. Chikalla, USA...... 1981-1985 COL Anthony J. Carbone, USA, ’58...... 1985-1988 COL Timothy H. Donovan, USA, ’62...... 1988-1991 Col Joseph V. Potter, USAF...... 1991-1992 Col M. Andrews Melville, USAF...... 1992-1995 COL Craig R. Lind, USA, ’71...... 1995-1997 COL Leonard E. Doscinski, USA, ’64...... 1997-2001 COL Michael J. McKEAN, USA...... 2001-2003 COL Michael R. Kelley, USA, ’74...... 2003-2011 COL Richard J. Van Arnam, Jr., USA, ’84...... 2011-2012 COL Russell J. Holden, USA, NU 1973...... 2012-2017 LTC Michael S. Titus, USA ‘73...... 2017-2021 * - acting Commandants

48 Norwich MedaL oF hoNor reciPieNts

The Medal of Honor, established by an act of Congress in 1862, is the highest and most rarely awarded decoration conferred by the United States. The deed for which the NORWICHMedal of Honor is MEDALawarded must OF have HONOR RECIPIENTS been one of personal bravery orThe self-sacrifice Medal of soHonor, conspicuous established as to by an act of Congress in 1862, is the highest and clearly distinguish the individual for gallantry and intrepidity above most rarely awarded decoration conferred by the United States. The deed for which the his comrades and must have involved risk of life. Presentation of the Medal of Honor is made only by theMedal President of Honor of the is United awarded States. must have been one of personal bravery or self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish the individual for gallantry and intrepidity above his henry clay wood, class of 1856comrades and must have involved risk of life. Presentation of the Medal of Honor is made only by the President of the United States. First Lieutenant, 1st United States Infantry Cited for distinguished Gallantry in Henry Clay Wood, Class of 1856 the battle at Wilson’s Creek, First Lieutenant, 1st United States Infantry Cited for Missouri, 10 August 1861. distinguished Gallantry in the battle at Wilson’s Creek, A graduate of Bowdoin College, Wood studied Military Missouri, 10 August 1861. Science at Norwich University before assuming his duties as A graduate of Bowdoin College, Wood studied Military an officer in the 1st United Science at Norwich University before assuming his States Infantry Regiment. He duties as an officer in the 1st United States Infantry was transferred to the 11th U.S. Infantry early in the Civil Regiment. He was transferred to the 11th U.S. Infantry War and was recognized for early in the Civil War and was recognized for his his bravery in the Battle of bravery in the Battle of Wilson’s Creek where he was Wilson’s Creek where he was severely wounded while in severely wounded while in command of a company of command of a company of mounted riflemen. mounted riflemen. willie johnston, class of 1870 Willie Johnston, Class of 1870 Private, 3rd Vermont Infantry Cited for gallantry in Private, 3rd Vermont Infantry Cited the Seven Days’ Battle of the Peninsular Campaign for gallantry in the Seven Days’ Battle of 147 of 1862. the Peninsular Campaign of 1862. The youngest recipient of The Medal The youngest recipient of The Medal of Honor, Willie of Honor, Willie Johnston joined the 3rd Johnston joined the 3rd Vermont Regiment to be Vermont Regiment to be near his father. near his father. The twelve-year-old drummer and The twelve-year-old drummer and stretcher bearer carried out his duties with uncommon stretcher bearer carried out his duties bravery and persistence while under fire during intense with uncommon bravery and persistence combat in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. Brought while under fire during intense combat to the attention of President Lincoln, Johnston was in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. cited as a model of devotion and courage. Brought to the attention of President Lincoln, Johnston was cited as a model of 49 devotion and courage. edmund rice, class of 1860 Major, 19th Massachusetts Infantry Cited for conspicuous bravery on the third day of the battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 3 July 1863, in the counter-charge against Pickett’s division. Major Rice led the Massachusetts 19th Regiment in the crucial repulse of Pickett’s Charge. His unit came into breast-to-breast conflict with the 14th Virginia Regiment commander by Colonel James Hodges, an alumnus of the military school found by Alden Partridge at Portsmouth, Virginia, in 1839. Rice’s sword was shot from his hand as he courageously rushed to the lead of his unit with the cry “Follow me boys.” Rice fell badly wounded behind the crumbling Confederate line. Rice’s unit, reduced to a single thin line, held its position until reinforcements arrived.

148 willie johnston, class of 1870 Private, 3rd Vermont Infantry Cited for gallantry in the Seven Days’ Battle of the Peninsular Campaign of 1862. The youngest recipient of The Medal of Honor, Willie Johnston joined the 3rd Vermont Regiment to be near his father. The twelve-year-old drummer and stretcher bearer carried out his duties with uncommon bravery and persistence while under fire during intense combat in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. Brought to the attention of President Lincoln, Johnston was cited as a model of devotion and courage.

edmund rice, class of 1860 Major, 19th Massachusetts Infantry Cited Edmundfor conspicuous Rice, Class ofbravery 1860 on the third day of the Major,battle 19th at Gettysburg,Massachusetts Pennsylvania, Infantry Cited 3 July for 1863, conspicuousin the counter-charge bravery on the thirdagainst day Pickett’sof the battle division. at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 3 July 1863, in the counter- charge Majoragainst Pickett’sRice led division. the Massachusetts 19th Regiment in the crucial repulse of Pickett’s MajorCharge. Rice led His the unit Massachusetts came into 19th breast-to-breast Regiment in the crucial repulse of Pickett’s Charge. His unit conflict with the 14th Virginia Regiment came into breast-to-breast conflict with the 14th commander by Colonel James Hodges, an Virginia Regiment commander by Colonel James alumnus of the military school found by Hodges, an alumnus of the military school found Alden Partridge at Portsmouth, Virginia, in by Alden Partridge at Portsmouth, Virginia, in 1839. Rice’s sword was shot from his hand as 1839. Rice’s sword was shot from his hand as he courageouslyhe courageously rushed rushedto the lead to theof hislead unit of withhis unit thewith cry “Follow the cry me “Follow boys.” Riceme boys.”fell badly Rice wounded fell badly wounded behind the crumbling Confederatebehind the crumbling line. Rice’s Confederate unit, reduced line. Rice’s to unit,a single thin line, held its position until reinforcementsreduced to a single arrived. thin line, held its position until Thomas o. seaver, class of 1859 reinforcements arrived. 148 Thomas O.Colonel, Seaver, Class3rd of 1859Vermont Infantry Colonel,Cited 3rd Vermontfor distinguished Infantry Cited for gallantrydistinguished in gallantryaction in action near nearSpottsylvania Spottsylvania Court Court House, Virginia,Virginia, 10 May 1864.10 May 1864.

Colonel SeaverColonel led the Seaver 3rd Vermont led the Regiment 3rd Vermont against the ConfederateRegiment salientagainst at “Mulethe Shoe.”Confederate Seaver’s regiment,salient along at with “Mule other Shoe.” Vermont Seaver units, experienced’s regiment, “gallingalong fire” aswith it breachedother theVermont Confederate units, line. Otherexperienced Union units in the“galling offensive fire” failed as toit assistbreached the Vermonters,the Confederate but Seaver’s regiment line. tenaciously Other heldUnion its precariousunits position in the until offensive it expended failed its ammunition to assist and receivedthe Vermonters, a written order but to retreat. Seaver ’s regiment tenaciously held its precarious position until it expended its ammunition and received a written order to retreat. 50 edward b. williston, class of 1856 First Lieutenant, 2nd United States Artillery Cited for distinguished gallantry in the action at Trevelian Station, Virginia, 12 June 1864. Lieutenant Williston won distinction while in command of an artillery battery that joined in repulsing a massed Confederate infantry attack at Trevelian Station. In the crisis of battle and under heavy musket fire, Williston managed to deploy three of his artillery pieces in an effective position. He personally moved a fourth artillery piece onto the battle line where he remained firing double loads of canister shot against an enemy who advanced to the very muzzle of his guns.

149 Thomas o. seaver, class of 1859 Colonel, 3rd Vermont Infantry Cited for distinguished gallantry in action near Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, 10 May 1864. Colonel Seaver led the 3rd Vermont Regiment against the Confederate salient at “Mule Shoe.” Seaver ’s regiment, along with other Vermont units, experienced “galling fire” as it breached the Confederate line. Other Union units in the offensive failed to assist the Vermonters, but Seaver ’s regiment tenaciously held its precarious position until it expended its ammunition and received a written order to retreat.

edward b. williston, class of 1856 Edward B. Williston, Class of 1856 First Lieutenant, 2nd United States Artillery First Lieutenant, 2nd United States Artillery Cited Cited for distinguished gallantry in the action for distinguished gallantry in the action at Trevelian at Trevelian Station, Virginia, 12 June 1864. Station, Virginia, 12 June 1864. Lieutenant Williston won distinction while Lieutenant Williston won distinction while in in command of an artillery battery that joined command of an artillery battery that joined in in repulsing a massed Confederate infantry repulsing a massed Confederate infantry attack at attack at Trevelian Station. In the crisis of Trevelian Station. In the crisis of battle and under battle and under heavy musket fire, Williston heavy musket fire, Williston managed to deploy managed to deploy three of his artillery three of his artillery pieces in an effective position. pieces in an effective position. He personally He personally moved a fourth artillery piece onto moved a fourth artillery piece onto the battle the battle line where he remained firing double line where he remained firing double loads of loads of canister shot against an enemy who canister shot against an enemy who advanced advanced to the very muzzle of his guns. to the very muzzle of his guns. hiram iddings bearss, class of 1898 Hiram Iddings Bearss, Class of 1898 Captain, United States Marine Corps Cited Captain, United States Marine Corps Cited for extraordinary heroism and eminent and for extraordinary heroism and eminent149 and conspicuous conduct in battle on Samar, conspicuous conduct in battle on Samar, Philippine Islands, 17 November 1901. Philippine Islands, 17 November 1901. Captain Bearss was second-in-command of a Captain Bearss was second-in-command of a Marine force that assaulted what was regarded Marine force that assaulted what was regarded as as an impregnable Fillipino Insurgent stronghold, an impregnable Fillipino Insurgent stronghold, fortified over a three- year period, on the summit fortified over a three-year period, on the of sheer cliffs above the confluence of the Cadacan summit of sheer cliffs above the confluence of and Sohoton Rivers. Crossing the river under the Cadacan and Sohoton Rivers. Crossing the fire, Bearss’ unit scaled the 200-foot cliffs with river under fire, Bearss’ unit scaled the 200-foot bamboo ladders while the defenders pushed tons cliffs with bamboo ladders while the defenders of stockpiled rocks over the edge of the precipice. pushed tons of stockpiled rocks over the edge of the precipice. Bearss and his Bearss and his men persisted in their assault and men persisted in their assault and reached the Summit where they overcame a reached the summit where they overcame a fierce fierce defense in hand-to-hand combat. defense in hand-to-hand combat.

51 james M. burt, class of 1939 Captain, United States Army, 2nd Armored Division Cited for intrepidity and disregard of personal safety in action near Wurselen, Germany, 13 October 1944, during the Battle of Aachen Gap. Captain Burt commanded a tank company that was part of a force deployed against a German garrison tenaciously defending the City of Aachen. In the first day of the battle Burt dismounted and proceeded on foot, under heavy hostile volleys, to direct his unit into position. Climbing aboard the rear deck of his tank he continued to direct the action, despite painful wounds to his face and neck. For the next nine days, under severe fire, he held his force together. Twice, tanks he was riding in were knocked out of action. Captain Burt’s unit inflicted prodigious destruction on the enemy and he rescued comrades at great personal peril during one of the most bitter local actions of the war. 150 hiram iddings bearss, class of 1898 Captain, United States Marine Corps Cited for extraordinary heroism and eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle on Samar, Philippine Islands, 17 November 1901. Captain Bearss was second-in-command of a Marine force that assaulted what was regarded as an impregnable Fillipino Insurgent stronghold, fortified over a three-year period, on the summit of sheer cliffs above the confluence of the Cadacan and Sohoton Rivers. Crossing the river under fire, Bearss’ unit scaled the 200-foot cliffs with bamboo ladders while the defenders pushed tons of stockpiled rocks over the edge of the precipice. Bearss and his men persisted in their assault and reached the Summit where they overcame a fierce defense in hand-to-hand combat. james M. burt, class of 1939 Captain, United States Army, 2nd Armored JamesDivision M. Burt, Class Cited of 1939 for intrepidity and disregard of Captain, United States Army, 2nd Armored Division Citedpersonal for intrepidity safety and disregard in action of personal near safety Wurselen, Germany, 13 in actionOctober near Wurselen, 1944, Germany, during 13 Octoberthe Battle 1944, of Aachen Gap. during the Battle of Aachen Gap. Captain BurtCaptain commanded Burt a tank commanded company that was a tank company that was part of a force deployed against a German garrison tenaciouslypart ofdefending a force the City deployed of Aachen. In theagainst first a German garrison daytenaciously of the battle Burt defending dismounted and the proceeded City of Aachen. In the first on foot, under heavy hostile volleys, to direct his unitday into position. of the Climbing battle aboard Burtthe rear deckdismounted of and proceeded his ontank foot,he continued under to direct heavy the action,hostile despite volleys, to direct his unit painfulinto wounds position. to his face andClimbing neck. aboard the rear deck of his For the next nine days, under severe fire,tank he held he his continued force together. Twice,to direct tanks he the was action, despite painful riding in were knocked out of action. Captain Burt’s unit inflicted prodigious destruction on the enemy and he rescued comrades at greatwounds personal to peril his during face one ofand the mostneck. bitter For the next nine days, underlocal actions severe of the, he held his force together. Twice, tanks he was riding in were knocked out of action. CaptainEdward Byers Burt’s Jr., Class unit of 2019 inflicted prodigious destruction on the enemy and he rescued comradesSenior Chief atSpecial great Warfare personal Operator, peril United during one of the most bitter local actions of the Stateswar. Navy, cited for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life as a Hostage Rescue Force Team150 Member in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from 8-9 December 2012.

As the primary breacher, Chief Byers stood in the doorway fully exposed to enemy fire while ripping down six layers of heavy blankets fastened to the inside ceiling and walls to clear a path for the rescue force. The first assaulter pushed his way through the blankets and was mortally wounded by enemy small arms fire from within. Chief Byers, completely aware of the imminent threat, fearlessly rushed into the room and engaged an enemy guard aiming an AK-47 at him. He then tackled another adult male who darted

52 towards the corner of the room. During the ensuing hand-to-hand struggle, Chief Byers heard a voice respond in English and race toward it. He jumped atop the American hostage and shielded him from the high volume of fire within the small room. While covering the hostage with his body, Chief Byers immobilized another guard with his bare hands, and restrained the guard until a teammate could eliminate him. His bold and decisive actions under fire saved the lives of the hostage and several of his teammates. By his undaunted courage, intrepid fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of near certain death, Chief Petty Officer Byers reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Sergeant Major Thomas P. Payne Sergeant Major Thomas P. Payne distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity, above and beyond the call of duty, on October 22, 2015, during a daring nighttime hostage rescue in Kirkuk Province, Iraq, in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE. Sergeant Payne led a combined assault team charged with clearing one of two buildings known to house the hostages. With speed, audacity, and courage, he led his team as they quickly cleared the assigned building, liberating 38 hostages. Upon hearing a request for additional assaulters to assist with clearing the other building, Sergeant Payne, on his own initiative, left his secured position, exposing himself to enemy fire as he bounded across the compound to the other building from which entrenched enemy forces were engaging his comrades. Sergeant Payne climbed a ladder to the building’s roof, which was partially engulfed in flames, and engaged enemy fighters below with grenades and small arms fire. He then moved back to ground level to engage the enemy forces through a breach hole in the west side of the building. Knowing time was running out for the hostages trapped inside the burning building, Sergeant Payne moved to the main entrance, where heavy enemy fire had thwarted previous attempts to enter. He knowingly risked his own life by bravely entering the building under intense enemy fire, enduring smoke, heat, and flames to identify the armored door imprisoning the hostages. Upon exiting, Sergeant Payne exchanged his rifle for bolt cutters, and again entered the building, ignoring the enemy rounds impacting the

53 walls around him as he cut the locks on a complex locking mechanism. His courageous actions motivated the coalition assault team members to enter the breach and assist with cutting the locks. After exiting to catch his breath, he reentered the building to make the final lock cuts, freeing 37 hostages. Sergeant Payne then facilitated the evacuation of the hostages, even though ordered to evacuate the collapsing building himself, which was now structurally unsound due to the fire. Sergeant Payne then reentered the burning building one last time to ensure everyone had been evacuated. He consciously exposed himself to enemy automatic gunfire each time he entered the building. His extraordinary heroism and selfless actions were key to liberating 75 hostages during a contested rescue mission that resulted in 20 enemies killed in action. Sergeant Major Thomas P. Payne’s gallantry under fire and uncommon valor are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Special Operations Command,First and Grad the UnitedU Statesate Army.

FIRST GRADUATE Alonzo Jackman, NU 1836, photographic portrait, circa 1855. Jackman has the distinction of being the first graduate of Norwich University. An able mathematician and scientist, Jackman’s teaching career stretched from the mid-1830s until the time of his death in 1879. During the Civil War he was commissioned a Brigadier General of the militia of the State of Vermont. Jackman Hall carries his name.


Alonzo Jackman, NU 1836, photographic portrait, circa 1855. Jackman has the distinction of being the first graduate of Norwich University. An able mathematician and scientist, Jackman’s teaching career stretched from the mid-1830’s until the time of his death in 1879. During the Civil War he was commissioned a Brigadier General of the militia of the State of Vermont. Jackman Hall carries his name.

151 First aFricaN aMericaN GradUate

FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN GRADUATE Harold Douglas Martin Roslindale, Massachusetts Harold “Doc” Martin, NU Class of 1920, distinguished himself as an athlete, educator, and soldier. He played football, baseball, and hockey at NU, excelling as a running back and defensive back on the gridiron. Doc embarked on a coaching and teaching career at Union University in Richmond, VA and Shaw University in Raleigh, NC before becoming director of athletics at Virginia State in 1927. Earning a Master’s Degree in Physical Education from NYU, Doc was appointed director of health and physical education at Miner Teachers College in Washington, D.C. in 1932. He joined the Army Air Force in 1942, and, while serving as Director of the Ground School at Tuskegee Air Field in Alabama, Major Harold Martin was killed during a cross-country flight on March 23, 1945 near Reidsville, NC. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. harold douglas Martin Roslindale, Massachusetts “Doc” Harold “Doc” Martin,NORWICH NU Class AND of 1920 THE distinguished STATE OF himselfVERMONT: as an athlete, educator, andTHE soldier. MILITARY He played CONNECTION football, baseball, and hockey at NU, excelling as a running back and defensive back on the gridiron. Norwich University enjoys a unique and special status with the Vermont Legislature as Doc embarked on a coachingthe Military Collegeand teaching of Vermont, career which at was Union officially University bestowed on November 29, 1898. in Richmond, VA andThe Shaw designation University of Norwich in Raleigh, as Vermont’s NC Military before College becoming can be viewed simply as formal director of athletics atrecognition Virginia of State a role in the 1927. university Earning had assumed a Master’s well beforeDegree 1898. In fact, the military in Physical Educationassociation from NYU,between becoming the State of directorVermont andof theathletics university at extended back to the Virginia State in 1927.formative Earning years a masterof the institution. ’s degree in Physical Education from NYU, Doc was appointed director of health and physical A fundamental conviction of Norwich’s founder, Alden Partridge, was the vital importance education at Miner Teachersof a citizen-soldiery College inin sustaining Washington, a constitutional D.C. in republic. 1932. HeHence, the importance of joined the Army Airmilitary Force science in 1942, as vital and, part while of the comprehensiveserving as Director curriculum ofdevised by Partridge. His the Ground School atexpectation Tuskegee was Airthat hisField students in Alabama, eventually would Major provide Harold competent leadership as part Martin was killed duringof the aofficer cross-country corps of the flight national on militia March system. 23, In 1945Vermont, near Norwich-prepared officers Reidsville, NC. He is servedburied in inmany Arlington of the highest National positions Cemetery. of the militia and later the National Guard - including the rank of adjutant general. 55 152 The transformation of Captain Partridge’s American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy into Norwich University in 1834 was accomplished through a charter from the State of Vermont. Since University students were of militia age, they were enlisted by the early 1840s as a light infantry company in the Vermont Militia.

A substantial strengthening of the Vermont Militia took place in the late 1850s and much of the success of that process can be attributed to Alonzo Jackman. In 1857, he was appointed a captain of Vermont Militia infantry company organized within the Norwich Corps of Cadets. Two years later Jackman was advanced to the rank of brigadier general with responsibility for all of the units in the Vermont Militia. After the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, General Jackman took charge of all military training in the state receiving considerable assistance from Norwich cadets who served as drillmasters. In 1864 the Cadet Corps was briefly called into voluntary service because of the Confederate raid on St. Albans, Vermont. During the course of the Civil War many Norwich alumni served the Vermont military establishment in important capacities; no fewer than six, for example, became commanders of state regiments and they and other Norwich men did much to establish Vermont’s reputation as one of the mainstays of the Union Army.

In 1870 the Norwich Corps of Cadets once again became an integral part of the Vermont Militia. The Corps was organized as a company of infantry along with an artillery battery that trained with the six-pound James cannons that are still used for ceremonial purposes today.

The 1898 legislation that accorded Norwich the status of the Military College of Vermont also conferred rank upon the faculty commensurate with their place in the academic hierarchy. Thus, the president of the university was assigned the rank of colonel and the faculty, after twenty years of service, could rise to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Rank with the Military College was held without provision for remuneration from the State of Vermont, as is still the case today. While the 1898 legislative provisions were amended on several occasions, they still provide the foundation for uniformed faculty and staff rank structure.

Soon after the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps was created in 1916Norwich joined that Federal program and necessarily withdrew the Corps of Cadets from its usual role in the National Guard.

56 The Vermont State Legislature continued its commitment to Norwich in the late 1920s by appropriating funds to assist in the construction of Plumley Armory.

After a century since it gained legislative recognition, the special relationship between Norwich and the State of Vermont continues and the Norwich color guard is the official color guard used by the state used for ceremonial occasions.

Adapted from an article by Gary Lord, Norwich Record, Winter 1999


The Norwich University motto, “I will try,” was inspired by one of the most significant victories by the U.S. Army during the War of 1812. Throughout the war U.S. forces had limited success against the British forces, and in particular British Regulars. At the Battle of Lundy’s Lane, July 25th, 1814, Colonel James Miller, commander of the U.S. 21st Infantry Regiment, was directed by Brigadier General Jacob Brown to make a difficult night-time frontal assault against a British artillery battery positioned on a hill near the Niagara River in Canada. Even more daunting, the position was held by the British 89th Regiment, victors at Chrysler’s Farm less than a year earlier against several U.S. Regiments. COL Miller’s response was “I’ll try, sir.”

After two unsuccessful attempts, Miller rallied the remnants of his regiment and was finally successful in a fierce assault that brought the muskets of the opposing forces so close that they were fighting muzzle-to-muzzle. The British were forced to abandon their artillery, wagons, and munitions. Thus, COL Miller immortalized himself through his actions and his words.

Significantly, BG Brown and COL Miller had been senior officers in the militia who were given commissions in the U.S. Army and should be considered role models for future citizen-soldiers.

More recently confusion and misunderstanding has arisen about the source of the Norwich motto. One erroneous tradition is that Truman Bishop Ransom, the second president of Norwich University, coined the motto, “I will try” on September 12th, 1847, while leading his regiment at the Battle of Chapultepec during the Mexican War. A variant of the tradition is that Ransom during the same battle in which he lost his life used the

57 expression “Essayons” (French for “Let’s Try”), the official motto of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. There is no evidence to support either of these traditions.

It is clear, however, that the Norwich University motto, “I will try,” was established and in use well before the Mexican War. In fact, it was incorporated into the University seal as early as 1839. The oldest flag of the University, now in the Norwich University Sullivan Museum and History Center, is embroidered on one side with the words “Presented by the Young Ladies of Norwich [Vermont] to the Cadets of Norwich University, August, A.D. 1844.” The other side of the flag displays a version of the University seal emblazoned with the motto “I’ll try.”

“I will try. This means holding firm to timeless values. This means doing the right thing, not when it’s easy, but especially when it is hard. It means citizen-soldiers, selflessly serving America in peace and war. Selfless service to the nation and to each other –that is success. That is the essence of Norwich”

– GEN Gordon R. Sullivan, , USA (Ret.) ’59 1992 Commencement Address

HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF OUR SYMBOLS THE NORWICH SEAL The Norwich seal features a cannon and a theodolite in the foreground. The cannon indicates our focus on military education and the theodolite our focus on scientific education, particularly the school’s focus on engineering. In the background are mountains, symbolic of the Green Mountains, where the school has been located during most of our existence. The sun rising over the mountains is indicative of the cadet’s acquisition of knowledge. Our motto, “I will try” signifies our willingness to persevere in the face of adversity and recalls the proud heritage of citizen-soldiers and their success as leaders. The earliest design of the eagle is similar to those used on militia and federal officer’s chapeaus between the War of 1812 and 1820. It has changed over time to the current design of an eagle facing west.

58 THE NORWICH FLAG Color Guard for Admiral Dewey Reception. Irving C. Ellis, on left, holds the American flag and George F. Waugh, dressed in a pre-civil war Norwich drill coat, carries a University flag. The Norwich flag, currently in the University Museum, is of special interest. On one side it is embroidered with the words “Presented by the Young Ladies of Norwich to the Cadets of Norwich University, August, A.D., 1844.” The other side displays an emblem emblazoned with the motto “I’ll Try.”

NORWICH SHOULDER PATCH During 1961-62 academic year a competition was held to design a new shoulder patch for the cadet uniform. The contest was open to all members of the Corps. Cadets submitted as many entries as desired to the Office of the Commandant. Entries were to be drawn in color, to scale with no restrictions as to the geometric shape. The design was to immediately be recognized as a Norwich insignia. A $50.00 incentive was offered.

The winning patch was designed by freshman Cadet Martin J. Suydam ’65, a Mathematics major from Montclair, New Jersey. Cadet Suydam rose to the rank of Cadet Colonel and was a very active member of the Corps involved in Color Guard, Mountain and Cold Weather Training, Rescue Team, and Association of the United States Army. Cadet Suydam also designed the current Mountain and Cold Weather shoulder patch.

59 In honor of Norwich’s Bicentennial, a committee of alumni and cadets formed to design a shoulder patch to be worn by all cadets and rooks standing in ranks in the fall of 2018. The committee decided to modify the existing shoulder patch to reflect the Bicentennial. In fall 2019, the Corps returned to the previous shoulder patch.

NORWICH COVER DEVICE The Norwich cover device, also known as cover brass, says much about the history and tradition of Norwich University. The shield depicts a cannon and an engineer’s transit in the foreground of a mountain range, with the first rays of the morning sun rising above it. The cannon represents the military heritage of the institution and the engineer’s transit represents our academic mission. Finally, the rising sun over the Green Mountains represents the light of knowledge illuminating on “The Hill.” The shield is surmounted by the National Eagle clutching a banner with the letters R.O.T.C. upon it. This banner commemorates Norwich as one of the birthplaces of the American citizen-soldier philosophy. Three scrolls adorn the bottom of the device. The second, “Cavalry Unit,” recalls our distinctive cavalry heritage and the past service of our graduates as cavalry, and later, armor officers. The third scroll reads, “Norwich University.”

CAVALRY AT NORWICH Although Norwich University has maintained a kinship with its cavalry heritage, it has been a misconception that NU has always been an old cavalry school. Originally, Norwich was an artillery-oriented Corps of Cadets. It was not until 1909 that cavalry training was introduced to the Corps of Cadets. The training in horsemanship was actually informally conducted by CPT Leslie A. I. Chapman. CPT Chapman was the Professor of Military Science and Tactics, and the first cavalry officer assigned to Norwich by the War Department.

It did not take much time before this informal training developed a troop of cavalry. Under CPT Frank Tompkins, the successor to CPT Chapman, cavalry drill was instituted

60 as a part of military training at Norwich. Cavalry drill was not the only formal training provided at NU. By 1910 Infantry, Artillery and Signal Drill were included in the standard military instruction provided.

In the years of 1911 and 1913, significant changes in the Corps structure resulted in the transition to a cavalry-based Corps of Cadets. On January 1, 1911 the first change in the structure of the Corps occurred. Before the changes, the Corps of Cadets had been comprised of a battery of artillery and a company of signal corps, the changes resulted in a transition to a squadron of cavalry comprised of only two troops and a company of signal corps. On December 1, 1913 the date of the disbandment of Company A, the cadet Signal Corps was replaced by two more troops of cavalry. This change made the Corps of Cadets one squadron of cavalry consisting of four troops. Thus was born the First Squadron of the First Vermont Cavalry; a component of the National Guard at Norwich University. In his book The History of Norwich University 1912- 1965, Guinn stated, “The University has been designated as a cavalry unit of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Senior Division. It has the distinction of being the only exclusive cavalry institution of learning in the United States.”

On September 20, 1950, the Corps of Cadets was reorganized under the Commandant, COL Briard F. Johnson, USA Armor. The change designated the Corps as a regiment rather than a squadron. This change was needed to adjust to the growing size of the Corps.

To this day, NU has remained true to the cavalry traditions. This cavalry kinship can be seen in the crossed sabers worn on the Norwich grey tunic and Class B uniform.


“The splendid thing about Norwich is that she has always kept the faith.”

—MG Leonard Wood, USA

“Prepared to fulfill the sacred duty of defending their country’s honor through the highly efficient course of instruction in military science which Norwich provides, they answered the call in 1917 with a patriotism inspired by the achievements of Norwich men in previous wars. The duties they performed and the manner of their accomplishment added another splendid chapter to the history of their Alma Mater.”

—GA John J. Pershin, USA

“The contribution of the graduates of Norwich to the Yankee Division was of the best. Excellent officers, splendid troop leaders; everywhere they went they made their mark.”

—MG Clarence A. Edwards, USA

“In the real sense he (Captain Partridge) gave to the country, in an hour of greatest need, thousands of young men, trained in the military and civil fields, thoroughly grounded in the fundamental essentials of complete citizenship and sound leadership.”

—GA Dwight D. Eisenhower, USA

62 “For 175 years, Norwich has stood at proud attention, true to its principles, true to Partridge’s profound understanding that a country dedicated to its principles of democracy and personal freedom needs citizens whose education prepares them to be moral, patriotic, efficient, and useful members of their communities, ready to assume the heavy responsibilities of leadership and aware that Americans can only preserve their freedom if they accept the obligation to serve the common good.”

—MG W. Russell Todd, USA (Ret.) ’50

“Norwich University is a unique place. The leadership of Norwich has a vision and it is a vision to continue preparing leaders to lead this great country. Men and women leading America, in uniform and out of uniform. That is what it’s all about.”

­ —GEN Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret) ’59


UPPER PARADE GROUND The Northfield campus has grown since its establishment in 1866 to reflect the growing size of the student population and their educational needs. The focal point of the campus, and in particular for the Corps of Cadets, is the Upper Parade Ground, referred to as the “UP.” The Upper Parade Ground is anchored at the northern end by Jackman Hall, named after Alonzo Jackman, NU 1836, the first graduate as a chartered university. The four-story building houses the Offices of the President, Student Affairs, Academics, Financial Aid, Bursar, Registrar, Development, Human Resources, and the Army and Air Force ROTCs. It was built on the site of Old Barracks, the first permanent building on campus which was built in 1868.

64 The other buildings on the UP central to the Corps of Cadets, in a clockwise fashion, include the following buildings:

Dewey Hall, completed in 1901, was erected in honor of Admiral of the Fleet George Dewey, the Hero of Manila Bay, who attended Norwich from 1851-1854 before departing to attend the U.S. Naval Academy. This three-story building currently houses the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, together with psychology and education, modern languages and English and communications programs, which are part of the College of Liberal Arts.

Hawkins Hall, ccompleted in 1940, is a four story barracks which can house up to 128 cadets. The barracks is named after Rush Hawkins, US Volunteers, who commanded the 9th New York Zouaves Regiment during the Civil War and was a major proponent of Norwich and the value of military education for our citizens.

Dodge Hall, was originally Cabot Hall completed in 1938, but was renamed in 1965 when the original Dodge Hall was demolished. The second largest and second oldest barracks on campus, the four-story building can house up to 176 cadets. The barracks is named after MG Grenville Dodge, NU 1851, who was a famous Civil War general and military engineer, the chief engineer of the Union Pacific railroad responsible for establishing the Transcontinental Railroad and a distinguished trustee.

Patterson Hall, completed in 1958, is a four-story barracks capable of housing 144 cadets. The barracks is named after Harry Patterson, NU 1909 who was a noted Civil Engineer, Industrialist, and trustee. He focused on the professional development of faculty and improvements in their housing.

Goodyear Hall, built in 1955, is the five-story barracks which anchors the southern end of the UP and can house up to 185 cadets. The barracks is named after MG A. Conger Goodyear, NYNG, who served in both World Wars as well as being active in the arts, industry, politics and as a trustee of Norwich.

Wilson Hall, built in 1961, is the same size and design as Patterson Hall and is capable of housing 146 cadets. The barracks is named after former Governor Stanley Wilson who dedicated his life to the law, his state, and Norwich University for 50 years as a trustee.

65 Alumni Hall, built in 1905, and enlarged in 1938, is the largest and oldest barracks with four stories and is capable of housing 263 cadets. The barracks was fully funded by the generosity of the Norwich Alumni Association and dedicated to the memory of Alden Partridge. Until 1955, the plaque on the northern corner of the building was the only memorial to the schools founder.

Ransom Hall, built in 1952, is a four-story barracks and is capable of housing 138 cadets. The barracks is named after Col Truman Ransom NU 1825, the University’s second president and a hero of the assault on Chapultepec. Ransom Hall was the first college building constructed with federal funds.

Chaplin Hall, originally named Carnegie Hall, was built in 1907 as the library and electrical engineering building with funding from Andrew Carnegie. In 1952 through the generosity of Henry Chaplin, a manufacturing leader and trustee, the building was completely renovated. In 1961 he supported the construction of a rear addition adding almost twice the floor space. In 1993, the building was transformed to house the School of Architecture + Art.

Gerard Hall, built in 1963, is roughly the same size and design as Goodyear Hall and is capable of housing 181 cadets. The barracks is named after Jacques Gerard who was born in Russia, where he served in World War I. A noted industrialist, businessman and trustee, his generosity enabled construction of what constitutes the last barracks built on the UP. There are three other dormitories on campus.

Crawford Hall was built in 1987 and is located directly behind the Admissions Office on Harmon Drive. Originally designed as a three-story dormitory, it is unique in that an additional floor was added in 2004, allowing 204 students to reside in the building. The dormitory is named after David Crawford NU 1922, who was a noted civil engineer specializing in highway systems.

Milano Ballroom, located in the ground floor of Crawford Hall, was completed in 1989. Named for Joseph ’66 and Jill Milano ’66, who are successful entrepreneurs and generous supporters of Norwich. The ballroom is a hub of many social activities throughout the year.

South Hall, built in 2008, is the first of the new dormitories located on Upper Disney Field. The building is specifically designed to house 283 civilian students. Built in 2009,

66 the “Magnificent” Class of 1959 Bridge, significantly improves access from the UP to the dormitory and serves as a connection between the civilian and military lifestyles.

Dalrymple Hall, built in 2014, is the newest dormitory on campus and completes the second phase of construction on Upper Disney Field. The building is specifically designed to house 285 civilian students.

All on-campus services are held in the White Memorial Chapel – named after Eugene White NU 1914, a noted engineer, industrialist, and trustee of Norwich. Originally built as a dining hall in 1941, it was designed to be easily converted into a chapel once Harmon Hall was completed as its replacement. In 1956, White Hall was transformed into the current chapel. Inside the sanctuary hang General and Flag Officer flags for all military services and the names of Norwich graduates who have attained significant rank or office. Additionally, there are memorial plaques for graduates who have made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to our nation.

The chapel offers a weekly non-denominational Protestant service on Sundays evenings and Roman Catholic masses on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. An Islamic prayer room is available for use as desired. Jewish and other faith groups meet weekly as well. Local worship services are available and transportation can be arranged through the Chaplain’s Office. All cadets, and Rooks upon completion of Rook Week, are authorized and encouraged additionally to attend their preferred services off-campus as religious faith plays a significant role in the development of leaders of character.


Using the UP as the center of the campus, the academic buildings, with the exception Dewey and Chaplin Halls, are located along the eastern side of campus. Closest to Dewey Hall are the three buildings which make up the core of the College of Liberal Arts.

Schneider Hall, formerly Webb Hall, is the home of the Writing and Language Resource Center and Computer Lab. . Renovated in 2018, the building is named in honor of Richard W. Schneider, President Emeritus, and features two different classroom styles: traditional lecture halls and technology-enabled spaces for collaborative active learning. Immediately next to Schneider Hall is Ainsworth Hall, which was built in 1909 as an U.S. Weather Bureau Building. In 1948, the building was turned over to the University and

67 became the Ainsworth Infirmary. The building is named for Mrs. Laura Ainsworth, widow of Captain James E. Ainsworth NU 1853, who worked to bring an infirmary to campus in 1915. Completely renovated in 2018, today the building is the home to criminal justice and sociology, and history and political science programs within the College of Liberal Arts.. The Peace and War Center is also located here.

Hollis House, built in 1852, houses humanities classrooms and faculty office space. The building is named after David “Dixie” Hollis, Jr., NU 1922 who was responsible for the establishment of scholarships is support of worthy students.

The other building directly supporting the College of Liberal Arts is the Communications Building, the oldest portion being built in 1844. When renovated in 1988 an addition was added to support the majority of communications classes and is located south of the library.

Behind Patterson Hall is the largest grouping of academic buildings on campus, referred to as the “U building.” It is actually comprised of five contiguous buildings which have been upgraded or replaced over time. The “U building” is home to the College of Science and Mathematics and two schools in the College of Professional Schools, the David E. Crawford School of Engineering and the School of Nursing.

Bartoletto Hall, built in 1998, was a key project in significantly upgrading NU’s science facilities. It is named after A.J. “Bart” Bartoletto ’52, an entrepreneur, philanthropist and World War II veteran, who provided significant support to Norwich. The three-story building, which forms the base of the “U building,” is home to the biology, chemistry and biochemistry, physical education, sports medicine, mechanical engineering and the School of Nursing.

Tompkins Hall, built in 1952, is a three-story building designed originally to support the Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics Department. It is named after COL Frank Tompkins, a noted cavalry officer, who served three times as Commandant of Cadets and Professor of Military Science and Tactics. During World War I he commanded the 301st Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division which has the distinction of being the first division drawn from civilian ranks through the draft, hence their description as “the first sons of the nation.” He completed his service to the University as a trustee. Tompkins Hall is home to the College of Science and Mathematics, as well as mathematics, biology and physics.

68 Cabot Hall, built in 1964, is a three-story building which was originally the Cabot Science Annex and the third building on campus to carry the Cabot name. When the original Cabot Science building was demolished, the name was transferred to the annex with the family’s approval. It is named after James Cabot, the son of Godfrey Cabot and uncle of Louis Cabot, both of whom are noted industrialists, philanthropists and trustees of Norwich. Cabot Hall is the home of the geology and environmental science classrooms and laboratories as well as the Cabot 085 lecture hall.

Partridge Hall, built in 1941, was a two-story building designed to house the civil and electrical engineering programs at Norwich. This was the first building named in honor of our founder, Captain Alden Partridge, a noted civil engineer, over 120 years after the founding of the University. Today is serves as the heart of the David Crawford School of Engineering, part of the College of Professional Schools. The David Crawford School of Engineering is named after David Crawford, NU 1922, a noted highway engineer and his son David C. Crawford,’52, a noted offshore drilling engineer. The Center for Global Resilience and Security is also located here.

Juckett Hall, built in 1984, is a key three-story addition to Partridge Hall. Named after Frank Juckett and his son A. Walter Juckett,’30, both were noted manufacturers in the paper industry as well as trustees of Norwich. Juckett is the home of updated engineering laboratories as well as the University ITS Department and User Services Help Desk.

Mack Hall , built in 2018, is a four-story academic building that houses faculty offices, interactive classroom and lecture space, digital forensics and computer labs, the 400-seat Mack Hall Auditorium, and the Thaddeus Buczko ’47 Cyber War Room The construction was part of a broader campus transformation leading up to the university’s bicentennial in 2019. It is named after Robert B. ’64, H’06, trustee emeritus and Tammie Mack. The Center for Cybersecurity and Forensics Education and Research (CyFER) is located here together with the School of Cybersecurity, Data Science and Computing.

69 Located at the southern end of campus past the Hayden Building is the Collaboratory, a maker space for architecture, engineering and construction management students which was completed in 2017. The Collaboratory’s north end of the building is dedicated to instruction and includes the High Bay, the largest maker-space on campus, an adjacent room for computer numerically controlled (CNC) and woodworking machinery, and labs for construction management. The High Bay construction area is the center of activity for the University’s design-build activities. Every year students design, document, plan, and execute full-scale buildings in this space. Adjacent to the high bay, on both floors, are shop spaces and smaller project assembly areas.


The majority of the University’s extensive athletic facilities are located either behind Gerard Hall or Jackman Hall. Norwich University currently fields 18 NCAA Division III varsity athletic programs, and two varsity rugby programs (men’s program is NCR Division II and women’s program is NIRA Division III). Originally known for our polo and rifle teams, today we have numerous competitive programs that compete for regional and national accolades. Norwich University athletic teams have combined to win 12 national championships, with six coming from men’s and women’s ice hockey, and six more in women’s rugby.

Andrews Hall, built in 1980, is the heart of the athletic program at Norwich and houses all coach’s offices, classrooms, most locker and training rooms, the athletics hall of fame,

70 and the gymnasium where the basketball and volleyball programs play their games. The facility is named after Paul Revere Andrews ’30, a leader in the publishing industry and trustee of Norwich.

Kreitzberg Arena, built in 1998, is one of the premier collegiate ice hockey arenas and home to the men’s and women’s hockey programs. It is named after Fred Kreitzberg ’57, a national leader in civil engineering and construction management and distinguished trustee of Norwich. The 59,000 square-foot facility is routinely used to host the NCAA Division III men’s and women’s national ice hockey championships.

Doyle Hall, built in 2009, unifies Andrews Hall and Kreitzberg Arena, significantly improving access to the arena and providing needed space for the athletic programs. It is named after Allen Doyle ’71, a two-time NU Hall of Fame inductee and PGA Championship Golfer.

Sabine Field at Haynes Family Stadium, completed in 1921, is the home field of the NU football team. It was named after George Sabine, Jr., the deceased son of Dr. Sabine, NU 1868, a noted physician. Originally designed to support football, baseball, and track, Sabine was completely renovated in 2013 with the installation of an artificial turf field, lights, press box, and new stands. Sabine Field now hosts football, soccer, and lacrosse games.

Plumley Armory, built in 1929, is a three-story facility which provides over 50,000 square-feet of space for offices, classrooms, a running track, large gymnasium, weight training facilities, locker rooms, and is home to the wrestling program and men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams. The armory is named after Charles Plumley, NU 1896, a noted lawyer, Congressman, trustee, and the 15th President of Norwich, in recognition of his service to the University and foresight in gaining support from the state to build it. The ground floor of the armory serves as the home of the Naval ROTC Unit. Located between the Sabine Field entrances to the armory is the Gunnar Nicholson room, which served as the original trophy

71 room for the University and was dedicated to the noted industrialist, philanthropist, and trustee of Norwich. Goodyear Pool, built in 1962, was an addition to the northwest corner of Plumley Armory and is named after Gen A. Conger Goodyear who championed the project. The International Center is located on the third floor of this facility. International Center provides opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to be globally engaged and acquire a global perspective with the skills of cultural agility. Students can explore opportunities for education abroad through cohort-style Norwich CityLab or through individual travel to enhance their academic experience. Study away semesters build intercultural proficiency and incorporate diverse international perspectives into your learning.

Shapiro Fieldhouse, built in 1987, is attached to the rear of Andrews Hall by a covered walkway and is one of several facilities built on the original polo field. Named after COL Jacob Shapiro 36, a decorated hero of World War II, noted entrepreneur and manufacturer, and trustee of Norwich, this 50,000 square-foot facility is home to the men’s tennis team, has a 200m indoor track, and a rock climbing wall.

Howard Field, was originally acquired in 1895 and 1896 as several separate parcels totaling 25 acres west of the UP. The land was named in honor of General Oliver O. Howard, a famous Civil War leader, Indian fighter, founder of Howard University and trustee of Norwich. It used to serve as the home of men’s and women’s soccer, as well as men’s and women’s lacrosse. However, all four teams have moved to primarily using the artificial turf on Sabine Field since it was installed in 2013.

Garrity Field, completed in 1963, is the current home field of the men’s baseball team. The field is named after Joseph Garrity, NU 1927, who was a former baseball coach and long-time athletic director. The diamond is located at the southwest corner of the old polo field. The first permanent fence in the field’s history was constructed in summer 2019.

Disney Field is the site of both Army and Marine Corps obstacle courses, the climbing and repelling tower, and recreational sports. The field is named in honor of MG Paul Disney, NU 19’27, Corps of Cadets commander, regimental commander in the 2nd Armor Division in World War II, and the first commanding officer of the Armor Training Center at Fort Knox.

Rugby clubhouse, named in honor of Rufus Boyett, Steve Ingram and Bernie Clark is newly constructed and the home field of the men’s and women’s rugby teams. The brand new,

72 $1 million facility will debut in conjunction with the 51st anniversary celebration of the rugby program at Norwich this September, 2021 and is located on the western bank of the Dog River.

SFC John Shaw Outdoor Center, built in 2012, is the newest recreational area, training area, and sports field which was sponsored by Larry Costa ’80. It is named in honor of SFC John Shaw, former Mountain Cold Weather Instructor, and recognizes his skills as a leader and mentor. The center serves as the home for Mountain Cold Weather, has numerous mountain bike, snowshoe, cross country skiing, and hiking trails.


Wise Campus Center, built in 2007, is a three-story addition erected on the site of the original dining hall portion of Harmon Hall. Wise Campus Center is named after Clifford and Regina Wise, the beloved aunt and uncle of trustee emeritus Robert Mack ’64, and is the home of a modern and state-of-the-art dining facility, kitchen spaces, and serving areas. Abare Dining Room, is located above the main dining floor. Named after Jack Abare ’57 a manufacturer, philanthropist and supporter of Norwich, it is exclusively for the Rooks and their leaders. The remaining portion of Harmon Hall is named after the 19th President of Norwich and distinguished combat leader of World War II, GEN Ernest Harmon. The Wise Campus Center is the hub of the University and houses the Center for Civic Engagement, most of the Dean of Students staff, Student Activities, the Title IX Office,meeting rooms, the bookstore, mail room, snack bar, Dunkin’ Donuts and student lounges.

Kreitzberg Library, built in 1992 and renovated in 2015, is the tallest building on campus at five-stories plus a mezzanine deck. It is named in honor of Barbara and Fred Kreitzberg ’57, a couple strongly dedicated to the mission of Norwich and providing facilities that will assist the students in their educational journey. The library serves as a gathering place for students to research and study but is also home to classrooms, the University Archives and Special Collections, the Academic Achievement Center, and Counseling and Wellness Services.

73 Sullivan Museum and History Center, built in 2006, is a state-of-the- art museum focusing on the history and heritage of Norwich University and it the only Smithsonian Affiliate® in Vermont. It is attached to the western side of the library. The building was sponsored by COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, (Ret.), a noted financier, supporter of military history, and trustee emerita of Norwich. Named after GEN Gordon Sullivan,’59, a career army officer who completed his service as the Chief of Staff of the Army and served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Norwich. The main floor of the museum includes a visitors center, permanent displays on Norwich history and GEN Sullivan, a conference space, and rotating special exhibits.

Flint Hall, located on Central Street houses the university Office of Communications, Office of Strategic Partnerships, and Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).

Hayden Building, built in 1986, is a single-story building behind the library. It is named after Robert Hayden’41, who served as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Superintendent of University Buildings and Grounds for over 30 years. He oversaw the greatest period of growth with the addition of 13 buildings. Hayden is home to the University Uniform Store, Public Safety Office, and Facilities Operations.

74 Hassett House, built in 1825, is a two-story house moved to its current location behind the Communications Building from its original location next to Hollis House. Named after the last private owners, the facility now hosts the Center for Student Success, the Center for Educational Effectiveness, and Veterans Affairs.

Student Service Center, built in 1919, is a single-story structure purpose built as the stables with a funding from GEN Hawkins and was converted in 1962. The center, located below the west side of the UP in the parking lot with Kreitzberg Arena, is home to the barber shop and Army Supply.

Roberts Hall, built in 1916, is the two-story home of Admissions and the Norwich Visitors Center. It was named after Herbert Roberts who served Norwich for forty years as a teacher, dean, counselor and interim President. At one time a class club and meeting facility, it is now the first building that most Norwich students enter. Milano Ballroom is located in Roberts Hall.

Green Mountain Family Practice, ocated up towards the SFC Shaw Outdoor Center, serves all NU students as an infirmary and health center.

MEMORIALS The Alden Partridge Statue The Alden Partridge statue stands in memory of the founder of Norwich University. The statue was dedicated at Commencement of 1955. In the summer of 1997 the statue was turned 180 degrees to accommodate the landscaping of new math and science complex. It was carved in the Northfield plant of the Rock of Ages Corporation by Italian-born sculptor Labruno Sarzanini. Weighing over nine tons and slightly over sixteen feet in height, the statue was donated to Norwich by the Barre Granite Manufacturers Association.

75 Weintz Courtyard, completed in 2007, is the focal point of the math and science complex and home to the Partridge Statue. The courtyard is named for L. Fred Weintz, Jr., ’47, a successful investment banker, World War II veteran, and trustee of Norwich. A strong proponent of Norwich’s students, he was instrumental in the growth of the endowment fund and established with his wife a scholarship to support undergraduate research projects.

POW/MIA Chair, unveiled in 2016, stands to the western edge of the Haynes Family Stadium, overlooking the playing field. It is placed in honor of service members missing in action or captured as prisoners of war and bears the inscription “You Are Not Forgotten.”

The Centennial Gateways

The present gateways were erected in 1919 at the northern and eastern entrances to the University. Upon the left pilaster of each gateway an inscription in bronze summarizes the history of the institution:

Norwich University Founded at Norwich, Vermont in 1819 By Captain Alden Partridge Incorporated in 1834 Destroyed by fire and removed to Northfield, Vermont in 1866 Designated the Military College of The State of Vermont By the General Assembly in 1898 Designated as a Cavalry Unit of the Reserve Officers Training Corps By the Federal Government in 1916 Upon the right pilaster of each gateway there is this inscription, written by Professor K.R.B. Flint, which summarizes the characteristics and ideals of Norwich:

This institution was founded Upon the principle that a Citizen Soldiery is essential To the maintenance of free Government Throughout a hundred years

76 That principle has been Cherished and men have here Learned that obedience to law Is Liberty In the centuries to come let All who enter through this Gate be faithful to the past.

The Centennial Stairs In April 1919, the Board of Trustees authorized construction of a Centennial Stairway to improve and dignify the approach to the college. Each step carries the name of a distinguished official, alumni, or past cadet of Norwich. Work began on the stairway early in August 1919 When the Centennial Celebration began on the tenth of October 1919 this impressive memorial of granite and brick was unveiled. One step honors Captain Philip Vincent Sherman, NU 1907, who was the first Norwich man to die in the hands of the enemy in World War I. His sons, Philip, Randall and Allan Sherman were called upon to unveil the entrance at the unveiling ceremony.

To earn the rite of passage, Rooks are not permitted to use the Centennial (or Bicentennial) Stairway until recognized as freshmen cadets.

The Bicentennial Stairs To commemorate Norwich’s bicentennial in 2019, a new stairway constructed between the southeast corner of the Upper Parade and Sullivan Museum and History Center memorializes 78 individuals who made significant contributions to the development and legacy of the University in its second century.

Norwich leaders, distinguished alumni and others from military and civilian careers and those who represent “firsts” at Norwich are represented on these monuments. They serve 77 as a tribute and daily reminder of those who personify Captain Partridge’s ideals and exemplify Norwich’s mission “to make moral, patriotic, effective and useful citizens.”

“Uncle Jim” Evans Commencement Group, 1886. Standing, from left, George D. Thomas, ‘76; George R. Miner, ‘83; Nelson L. Sheldon, ‘84. Seated, from left, Charles H. Nichols, ‘86; James Evans; Rowland W. Stewart, ‘86; and Thomas H. Nickerson, ‘84. The composition of this photographic grouping appears to be motivated by the affection the sitters have for “Uncle Jim” Evans who poses serenely in an outrageous costume that suggests his dual occupation at the University; he filled both the positions of janitor and armorer. From 1869 until his retirement in 1904, Evans served as an informal philosopher-in-residence. His wit, charm, and sage advice, won the friendship of many generations of students. The great influence of Evans on the University community is memorialized on the steps of the Centennial Stairs. There, inscribed on one of the steps, is the name of James Evans, along with the names of prominent military commanders, statesman, industrialists, scientists and educators

“Uncle jim”78 evans

Commencement Group, 1886. Standing, from left, George D. Thomas, ‘76; George R. Miner, ‘83; Nelson L. Sheldon, ‘84. Seated, from left, Charles H. Nichols, ‘86; James Evans; Rowland W. Stewart, ‘86; and Thomas H. Nickerson, ‘84. The composition of this photographic grouping appears to be motivated by the affection the sitters have for “Uncle Jim” Evans who poses serenely in an outrageous costume that suggests his dual occupation at the University; he filled both the positions of janitor and armorer. From 1869 until his retirement in 1904, Evans served as an informal philosopher-in-residence. His wit, charm, and sage advice, won the friendship of many generations of students. The great influence of Evans on the University community is memorialized on the steps of the Centennial Stairs. There, inscribed on one of the steps, is the name of James Evans, along with the names of prominent military commanders, statesman, industrialists, scientists and educators.

128 The Harmon Statue The Harmon Statue was dedicated on September 27, 1986. This statue was commissioned to honor MG Ernest N. Harmon, who entered Norwich in 1912 and was assigned to Band Company. After spending his freshman year at Norwich, General Harmon then accepted his appointment to West Point and graduated with the class of 1917. After being commissioned he later saw action in World War I.

Harmon went to the 1924 Olympics in Paris, representing the U.S. in the pentathlon events. He returned to Norwich in 1928 to serve as the Commandant of Cadets and the Professor of Military Science until 1931.

During World War II, GEN Harmon commanded both the First and Second Armored Division, seeing action in Africa and Europe. He organized the U.S. Constabulary in post- war Europe before retiring.

In 1950, Harmon was named President of Norwich University. He served in that role until 1965, helping the University become a modern educational institution. GEN Harmon retired in 1965, joining the University’s Board of Trustees. He faithfully supported Norwich until his death in 1979.

A memorial wall forms the backdrop for the statue of General Harmon. Upon the wall are inscribed the names of deceased Norwich alumni.

The Harmon Statue was sculptured by Frank Gaylord of Barre, Vermont who credits Labruno Sarzanini (creator of the Partridge statue) as his mentor. Frank Gaylord distinguished himself by sculpting the National Korean War Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Upper Parade Ground Flag Pole, erected in 1916, was presented to Norwich by the First Vermont Cavalry Regiment Association in memory of their distinguished service during the Civil War where they served throughout the war with the Army of the Potomac and participated in 76 battles and campaigns.

79 Adams Carillon Tower, built in 1956, was donated by Dr. Porter Adams, the 16th president of the University, in memory of his mother. Originally consisting of 36 bells, in 1959 an additional 11 bells were donated completing the set of 47 bells. The bells were originally used by the Belgian government during the Chicago’s World Fair and were donated by the Greene family in memory of their mother.

Pond Plaza, was dedicated in 2015 in honor of Dr. Erasmus “Arlie” Pond an athlete, physician, humanitarian and soldier. At the west end of Sabine Field the plaza has a monument to each of the Armed Services:

Sabine Sally was dedicated in 1958 in honor of “the Norwich Men who served in the Armored Forces in World War II,” by CAPT James Burt. Built in 1942, the M-4A3 Sherman tank was most likely used to train soldiers during the war and never saw overseas service. She was completely refurbished in 2013.

Dewey’s Anchor was dedicated in 1990 to the graduates of Norwich serving in the Navy and Marine Corps. The anchor is a standard 30,000-pound Navy stockless anchor made during World War II. The anchor is painted white in honor of Admiral Dewey’s flagship the USS Olympia.

Air Force Memorial was dedicated in 200, to the graduates of Norwich serving in the Air Force. The propeller blade is from the prop of a World War II P-40 Warhawk made famous by the exploits of the Flying Tigers in China.

The Norwich Cemetery, established in 1988, mid-way up Dole Hill overlooks the University. The cemetery is dedicated to John Conway, NU 1928 and his wife Doris.

80 wiLLiaM h. earLe MUraLs

WILLIAM H. EARLE MURALS “G“GLORYLory TO t GOD,o God, GLORY GL TOory GOD, to SEE God, THE s VERMONTERSee the ver MGO”oNters Go” Formed in the summer of 1862, the 13th and 16th Vermont Regiments included many Formed in the summer of 1862, the 13th and 16th Vermont Regiments included Northfield residents and Norwich University alumni. They saw their greatest combat role many Northfield residents and Norwich University alumni. They saw their greatest during the climax of Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3, 1863. The combat role during the climax of Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, July regiment formed the left line on Cemetery Ridge, to reinforce the broken units that had 1-3, 1863. The regiment formed the left line on Cemetery Ridge, to reinforce the seen hard fighting during the first two days of the battle. What Earle represents in his broken units that had seen hard fighting during the first two days of the battle. What painting is the moment during the charge of thousands of Confederate troops when Earle represents in his painting is the moment during the charge of thousands of they are about to penetrate the Union lines, which the two Vermont units helped repulse. Confederate troops when they are about to penetrate the Union lines, which the Colonel Francis Voltaire Randall, known for his bravery, directed the defense. As the battle two Vermont units helped repulse. Colonel Francis Voltaire Randall, known for his progressed, Randall, the commander of the 13th Regiment, shifted his unit to the Rogers bravery, directed the defense. As the battle progressed, Randall, the commander of house featured in Earle’s painting, and there captured eighty-three prisoners. As Randall’s the 13th Regiment, shifted his unit to the Rogers house featured in Earle’s painting, unit returned to the main line, it was cheered by 20,000 on-looking troops. The 16th held and there captured eighty-three prisoners. As Randall’s unit returned to the main the main line: they endured many casualties and captured a large number of Confederate line, it was cheered by 20,000 on-looking troops. The 16th held the main line: they troops before the battle was over. Significantly, Norwich cadets provided the initial endured many casualties and captured a large number of Confederate troops before training of the Vermont Brigade before it went into action. Norwich professor Alonzo the battle was over. Significantly, Norwich cadets provided the initial training of the Jackman, a Brigadier General in the Vermont State Militia, and his cadet drillmasters Vermont Brigade before it went into action. Norwich professor Alonzo Jackman, were charged with this task because of their competence in military drill. Experts credit a Major General in the Vermont State Militia, and his cadet drillmasters were the repulse of Pickett’s charge in part to the training of the Vermont units provided by charged with this task because of their competence in military drill. Experts credit the Norwich Cadets. the repulse of Pickett’s charge in part to the training of the Vermont units provided by the Norwich Cadets.

81131 PresidePRESIDENTNt RANSOM raNsoM AT at CHAPULTEPEC chaPULtePec The second President of Norwich University, Truman B. Ransom, is featured in the Thefirst secondmural that President Earle painted of Norwich in 1956. University,Upon his graduationTruman B.from Ransom, the American is featured Literary, inScientific, the first and mural Military that Academy,Earle painted Ransom, in of CaptainUpon his Alden graduation Partridge’s from most the highly- Americanesteemed cadets, Literary, was Scientific, made an instructor and Military of mathematics, Academy, laterRansom, became one vice-president,of Captain Aldenand then Partridge’s president mostof the highly-esteemed University when Partridgecadets, was resigned made in an 1843. instructor Colonel of Ransom mathematics,left his presidency later at became Norwich, vice-president, to command the and 9th then U.S. Infantrypresident Regiment, of the University and led it in whenmany engagementsPartridge resigned in the Mexican in 1843. War. Colonel The mural Ransom shows left Colonel his presidency Ransom commanding at Norwich,his troops duringto command the Battle the of 9th Chapultepec U.S. Infantry on September Regiment, 13, and 1847. led Colonel it in many Ransom was engagementsrecognized by thein the commanding Mexican War.general, The General mural Winfield shows Scott,Colonel for hisRansom gallantry in battle commandingand for the conduct his troops and discipline during ofthe his Battle troops. of The Chapultepec storming of on the September fortress, seen 13, as the 1847.gateway Colonel to Mexico Ransom City, was was Ransom’s recognized last battle. by the At commanding the climax of thegeneral, assault, General at the very Winfieldmoment of Scott, U.S. victory, for his Ransomgallantry was in shotbattle in theand headfor the and conduct died on theand battlefield.discipline ofAfter hishis troops.death, he The was storminghonored by of the the Vermont fortress, Legislature seen as the and gateway is still heldto Mexicoin high honorCity, in wasthe NorwichRansom’s community last battle. today. At the climax of the assault, at the very moment of U.S. victory, Ransom was shot in the head and died on the battlefield. After his death, he was honored by the Vermont Legislature and is still held in high honor in the Norwich community today.


132 dDRIVINGriviNG OFoF THE the GOLDEN GoLde NSPIKE sPike MGMG Grenville Dodge, Dodge, a military a military and engineeringand engineering hero in herothe 19th in thecentury, 19th was century, responsible was responsiblefor surveying for over surveying 100,000 milesover of100,000 land for miles railways of andland building for railways thousands and of building miles of thousandsrailroad in the of Unitedmiles ofStates, railroad Mexico, in theand UnitedCuba. Dodge, States, Mexico,an 1851 graduate, and Cuba. is featured Dodge, in anWilliam 1851 Earle’sgraduate, mural is depicting featured the in drivingWilliam of Earle’s the golden mural spike depicting ceremony the at Promontorydriving of thePoint, golden Utah, spike in 1868. ceremony It marked at the Promontory completion Point,of 1,700 Utah, miles in of 1868.railroad It frommarked Omaha, the completionNebraska, which of 1,700 constituted miles of the railroad first transcontinental from Omaha, railroad Nebraska, route which linking constituted the eastern theUnited first States transcontinental with the Pacific railroad Coast. route Dodge, linking as chief the engineereastern ofUnited the UnionStates Pacific with theRailroad, Pacific used Coast. the engineering Dodge, as skillschief learnedengineer at Norwichof the Union to become Pacific one Railroad,of the most used therenowned engineering railroad skills engineers learned of his at time,Norwich recognized to become by President one of Grant the most and many renowned others railroadfor his engineering engineers prowess.of his time, recognized by President Grant and many others for his engineering prowess.

83 133 WARD IN THE TAIPING REBELLION ward iN the taiPiNG rebeLLioN The exploits of the adventurer, shipbroker and mercenary Frederick Townsend TheWard, exploits pictured ofin the Earle’s adventurer, mural were shipbroker legendary. and After mercenary leaving Norwich Frederick in 1848,Townsend Ward Ward,immediately pictured became in Earle’s a traveler mural who were found legendary. adventure After as a leavingmercenary, Norwich participating in 1848, in Wardmany immediatelymilitary engagements became duringa traveler three who different found warsadventure on three as continents.a mercenary, After participatingfighting for several in many different military governments, engagements he seized during his opportunity three different to command wars troops on threeby accepting continents. a $200,000 After offer fighting by local for businessmen several different in Shanghai governments, to help put down he seized the hisTaiping opportunity Rebellion. Wardto command raised a 10,000-man troops by army, accepting and in severala $200,000 battles offerdefeated by forces local businessmennumbering 50,000 in Shanghai and was to eventually help put promoteddown the toTaiping the rank Rebellion. of admiral Ward general raised and amade 10,000 a mandarin man army, of theand highest in several order battles by the defeated Chinese emperor.forces numbering He carried 50,000a trademark and wascane eventually or riding whippromoted instead to of the the rank conventional of admiral firearms general that and he made supplied a mandarin his army, ofand the always highest led orderhis troops by theinto Chinese battle from emperor. the front, He resulting carried in aover trademark a dozen canewounds. or ridingFrederick whip Townsend instead Ward of the died conventional as a result of woundsfirearms received that heat thesupplied Battle ofhis Cixi army, in 1862, and alwayswhich reportedlyled his troops motivated into battle his troops from to the fight front, more resulting fiercely inthan over ever. a dozen wounds. Frederick Townsend Ward died as a result of wounds received at the Battle of Cixi in 1862, which reportedly motivated his troops to fight more fiercely than ever.


134 DEWEY AT MANILA BAY dewey at MaNiLa bay Admiral of the Fleet George Dewey, probably the most renowned American naval hero of Admiralthe nineteenth of the century, Fleet George entered Dewey, Norwich probably in 1851 where the most he remained renowned until American his appointment naval heroto the of U.S. the Naval nineteenth Academy century, in 1854. entered Serving Norwichin the American in 1851 Civil where War ashe a remained First Lieutenant until hison USSappointment Mississippi to in theFarragut’s U.S. Naval fleet, AcademyAdmiral Dewey in 1854. is best Serving known forin thehis commandAmerican of Civilthe naval War squadron as a First that Lieutenant defeated the on Spanish USS Mississippi at Manila Bay in during Farragut’s the Spanish-American fleet, Admiral DeweyWar. Earle is best depicts known Dewey for commandinghis command his of squadron the naval from squadron the bridge that of defeated his flagship the SpanishOlympia atduring Manila the Baybattle. during Stationed the inSpanish-American China and the South War. Pacific Earle throughout depicts Dewey most of commandingthe war, Dewey his sailed squadron his squadron from home the afterbridge destroying of his flagshipthe Spanish Olympia Fleet on 1during May 1898. the battle.He was Stationedgiven the title, in China“Hero of and Manila the Bay,”South and Pacific at every throughout port stop on hismost fleet’s of the journey war, Deweyback to sailed America, his he squadron was exalted home as aafter hero. destroyingOnce back inthe America, Spanish Dewey Fleet wason 1 honoredMay 1898. by Heparades, was given as well the as title, presidential “Hero ofand Manila congressional Bay,” and recognitions at every portincluding stop being on his the fleet’s only journeyofficer backever promotedto America, to the he rankwas exaltedof Admiral as ofa hero.the Fleet. Once Dewey back inwas America, also given Deweytribute in washis hometown honored byof Montpelier, parades, as Vermont, well as and presidential in Northfield and where congressional a building bearing recognitions his name includingwas erected being on the the Norwich only Universityofficer campusever promoted by the citizens to the of rankVermont. of Admiral of the Fleet. Dewey was also given tribute in his hometown of Montpelier, Vermont, and in Northfield where a building bearing his name was erected on the Norwich University campus by the citizens of Vermont.


135 BRINGING POWER TO NIAGARA Earle’s representation of Edward Dean Adams’s supervision of the Niagara Power Project, clearly displays Adams, an 1864 graduate of Norwich, directing the construction of the largest hydroelectric power facility of its day. Adams ignored suggestions from notable electrical engineers of the time, including Thomas Edison, who insisted that the facility produce direct current (DC). Adams had the foresight to continue his plans to design his power station for the production of alternating current (AC), thus revolutionizing the industry. The plant provided power for eight manufacturing companies in Buffalo, New York, and also for many community uses. The facility provided the means for some of the most important developments in chemical and metallurgical manufacturing. The design of the Niagara power station influenced other pioneers in the field including George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison. The work of Adams and the Cataract Construction Company created the first significant electrical generation facility for industrial purposes.

86 NU EMERGENCY 24- HOUR PHONE NUMBERS: Emergency...... 911

Washington County Mental Health Services Crisis Line...... (802) 229-0591

Sexual Assault Crisis...... (802) 479-5577

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline...... 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)

Counseling Center After-Hours Crisis Line...... (802) 793-3093

NU Infirmary...... (802) 485-2552

Northfield Police...... (802) 485-9181

NU Public Safety...... (802) 485-2525 (Emergency), (802) 485-2499

NU Interior Guard...... (802) 485-2589

NU Chaplain Cell Phone...... (802) 272-0585

NU STUDENT RESOURCE DUTY DAY PHONE NUMBERS: Counseling & Wellness Center...... (802) 485-2134

NU Chaplain...... (802) 485-2128

NU Equal Opportunity/Title IX...... (802) 485-2144

Center for Student Success...... (802) 485-2355

Academic Achievement Center...... (802) 485-2130


The Military College of the State of Vermont

Founded 1819 • Incorporated 1834

Courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Commisions leading to military service in the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force.

Military instruction, practice and discipline are required for all cadets throughout their military stay in college, in faith, that a citizen is not fully equipped for his duty to the State unless he is trained for service in its defense as well as for its up-building. The story of our nation’s struggle for existence justifies this faith.

The achievements of Norwich graduates attest sufficiently the efficacy of this system of instruction.

“The liberties of Rome were safe while military information was generally diffused and every Roman citizen considered and felt himself a soldier.”

—Captain Alden Partridge Founder of Norwich University


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