Financial Symphony: John Stillman (2024)

DateShow Title




Should I Consolidate My IRAs?

When you have multiple IRAs, managing them across different platforms and figuring out your RMDs for each account can be a little bit tricky. So what’s the best way to manage these accounts? Should you consider consolidating your IRAs?Today’s featured question comes from a comment left on one of our previous videos so thank you for the contribution. Here is the question John will answer:We have multiple IRAs set up over the years as different approaches appealed each year. Would you recommend consolidating all those IRAs to one account? Would it matter if we were taking RMDs or not in your answer?Join us to hear strategies for consolidating IRAs, some benefits to simplifying your accounts, and best practices for navigating your RMDs. By simplifying your accounts and understanding the true nature of diversification, you can streamline your retirement planning and make informed decisions.ÂHere’s what we discuss in this episode:0:00 - Intro1:24 - Consolidating IRAs8:27 – Old IRAs and 401(k)sÂConnect with us: Web: 919-391-3446




What Taxes are Owed on Inherited Assets?

Inheriting assets can be a life-changing financial boost, but it often comes with a maze of tax implications and decisions. In this episode, we will answer a question about an inheritance and lay out the tax considerations for a variety of assets to help you better understand what you might owe. ÂDiscover how to navigate the tax implications of IRAs, annuities, bank accounts, real estate, and stocks to make the most of your inheritance. Even with this information, you still want to plan ahead as much as possible. If you know an inheritance is coming, or if you've just received one, it's crucial to sit down with a financial advisor to put a comprehensive plan in place. This will help you make the most of your inheritance, ensuring that you are as tax-efficient as possible.ÂHere’s what we discuss in this episode:0:00 – Intro1:06 – Today’s question2:17 – IRA4:41 – Annuities5:45 – Bank account6:50 – Home and stockÂConnect with us: Web: 919-391-3446




The Beauty of Simplicity When Planning For Retirement

Retirement planning doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly complicated. It certainly doesn’t have to be as complicated as some people make it.In this episode, we unravel the unnecessary complexities often woven into the fabric of retirement advice. We’ll debunk some myths, simplify strategies, and uncover the beauty of simplicity and straightforward retirement planning. If you’re looking for more simplicity within your financial plan, we’ll even provide a few steps you can take today to move in that direction.ÂHere’s what we discuss in this episode:0:00 – Intro1:13 – The cause for complexity5:09 – Steps to simplify things8:33 – Simplifying investmentsÂConnect with us: Web: 919-391-3446




Rollover IRA: Should you do it if your old account is performing well?

What should you do with an old 401k that you’re still holding onto from an previous employer? Does that answer change when the market is performing well and your account is generating strong returns?ÂLet’s take a closer look at the rollover IRA and whether it’s something that you should be doing with your old 401k accounts. The primary reason someone uses a rollover is to gain more flexibility and control over that money so let’s talk about how the current investing environment impacts that decision. We’ll share our approach with clients when we’re helping them manage their portfolio and help you get a better idea of whether a rollover is a strategy you should utilize.ÂHere’s what we discuss in this episode:0:00 – Intro and today’s question1:12 – The reason to rollover your money4:18 – The investment options5:44 – Tax considerations7:40 – Can you do this on your own?ÂConnect with us: Web: 919-391-3446




Our three-part series on marriage and money wraps up today with a look at the financial decisions that often happen during the divorce process. This is going to be a highly emotional and difficult process for those involved, which makes the financial aspect of this process even more challenging.We’ll walk you through a few of the items that will need to be addressed like dividing assets, child support, and updating documents. Then we’ll talk about how your mindset has to change as you begin the next chapter of life independently and begin planning for retirement on your own.ÂHere are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode:John shares his most memorable story about divorce. (1:10)Mistakes made when dividing the assets. (4:15)Child support and alimony. (7:11)Updating documents and beneficiaries. (9:39)Changing your mindset to approach finances as an individual. (11:18)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




What Changes Financially When You Get Remarried?

Money plays a significant role in the health of a relationship and life events like marriage and remarriage require us to have honest conversations about finances when we take these steps in life.In this episode, we’re going to spend time discussing the items that need attention when you get remarried. There are some common themes and considerations as your first marriage, but things like combining finances and joint accounts will inevitably be more difficult when it’s the second marriage because you’re further along in life and more established financially.Combining households can be a challenge when you get married again for the second time so we have to communicate quite a bit and make sure we find a process that works for both parties.ÂHere are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode:It’s more common to keep finances separate, at least early on. (2:09)How you manage a blended family. (3:42)Changes you need to make to beneficiaries and insurance. (7:40)Handling inheritances can get tricky. (9:54)What do you do about having multiple financial advisors? (12:13)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




Financial Decisions to Make Before Marriage

Some of life’s biggest events come with important financial decisions and marriage might be at the top of the list. Many of the arguments in a relationship start because of disagreements about money, which is why it’s so important to have a conversation about money and managing finances before your wedding day.In this episode, John will provide some financial guidance and useful tips for how to approach these topics with your spouse. Should you combine finances? How do you define certain spending categories? We’ll try to answer those and more during this show. Plus, John will also share the way he and his wife manage their money and why it works for them. ÂÂHere are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode:What’s the best approach to combining bank accounts and managing spending? (2:43)John evaluates Ben’s spending setup for his family. (4:52)How do you define a personal spending expenditure and what is a joint household expense. (7:44)What’s the best way to communicate about money with your partner? (8:56)Who will manage your finances and should you have both involved? Â(12:36)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




The Psychology of Investing in the Wake of Historic Market Crashes

Have you ever wondered why you handle money the way you do? It turns out your financial behaviors can be traced back to your formative memories. Key events throughout our lives shape the way we view money.In this episode, we explore how historic market crashes have left a lasting impact on our relationship with money. We’ll also contrast them with the way more recent crises have shaped our financial views and decisions in the short term. Best of all, we’ll start it all off with a biblical example of how people have been financially scarred for hundreds of years.ÂHere’s some of the myths we’ll address in this episode:John provides a biblical example to show how we suffer financial scars. (1:55)How the Great Depression affected financial habits for generations. (6:37)The post-war boom made people believe big returns were commonplace. (9:20)The fallout from 2008. (13:00)Assuming everything will bounce right back after seeing what happened in 2020. (15:35)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




Dismantling 5 Top Social Security Myths in 2023

Have you ever wondered if the Social Security system will run out of money before you retire? Or if claiming benefits as soon as you're eligible is the best decision for your financial future? In this episode, we'll be debunking common myths about Social Security and answering the questions you've been curious about.Social Security will be one of the biggest sources of retirement income for most Americans and you need to be aware of these myths before filing for your benefits. Most of the time, once that decision is made, you can’t reverse it. So let’s make sure you’re getting the most out of your benefits.ÂHere’s some of the myths we’ll address in this episode:The Social Security Administration will help you make the best decision about when to claim your benefit. (1:17)You won’t get Social Security if you were a stay-at-home mom. (5:55)You won’t have to pay taxes on your Social Security since you’ve been paying into the system your entire career. (10:26)Social Security won’t have any money left by the time I claim. (12:06)Your Social Security benefits are based on your last job’s salary. (16:06)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




Retirement Expenses For Which You Forgot To Plan

Are you preparing for retirement but feeling confident that you have covered all the expenses? Well, think again… It turns out that many retirees overlook some crucial expenses that can leave them financially vulnerable.In this episode, we explore the retirement expenses that most people tend to forget, including skyrocketing medical bills, unexpected travel costs, taxes, and much more. We'll discuss practical tips and strategies to help you plan for these expenses and ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.Here's some of what you'll learn on this episode:ÂAre you prepared for everything Medicare doesn’t cover in retirement? (1:35)Many families have to provide financial support for parents and children. (6:38)What often gets overlooked when it comes to tax planning. (9:21)How to prepare to tackle those maintenance and repair expenses that pop up. (12:13)Why you have to increase income streams to incorporate inflation into your plan. (13:40)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




Moving Your Retirement Goalposts: Worth the Risk?

Do you ever feel like your retirement planning goals are always moving? You're not alone. We’ve found that people often move the goalposts in their own retirement planning, often to their detriment. In this episode, we're diving deep into the psychology of retirement planning and the dangers of moving the goalposts.Keep in mind that we’re talking about the rules you make for yourself rather and not the changes you make to your financial plan. We want to have a financial plan that’s flexible enough to change as your life does so that’s a bit different than this conversation today.Here’s some of what we’ll discuss in this episode:What’s the risk for changing how much cash you feel you need to have saved? (1:48)The people that put off getting serious about savings until next year… (6:41)We often change the amount of risk we’re willing to take on. (8:20)Why changing your retirement date is a missed opportunity. (12:07)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




5 Top Tax Questions For Retirees In 2023

Retirement can come with a lot of tax questions and concerns. From understanding the tax implications of withdrawing from your retirement accounts to minimizing taxes on investment income, it can be overwhelming.On today’s episode, we’ll break down the top ten tax questions retirees are asking in 2023. Before you file your 2022 taxes and plan ahead for the rest of the year, make sure to listen to this episode as we’ll discuss some important tax questions that retirees should ask themselves to ensure they're making the most of their retirement savings and minimizing their tax burden.ÂHere’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:What are the tax implications of withdrawing money from my retirement accounts? (1:47)Will my Social Security benefits be taxed? (3:17)Does the taxation of my pension income differ from other forms of income? (6:38)How will my taxes change if I decide to move to another state in retirement? (9:12)What are the tax considerations for gifting money to my children or grandchildren during retirement? (11:46)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




Rookie Mistakes Even Experienced Investors Make

mistakes. No matter how experienced you might be, we’re all susceptible to a moment of weakness.On this episode, John will cover some of the top rookie mistakes we see people make and share examples of how he’s seen this play out. Plus, he’ll illustrate how to avoid these missteps or how to fix them if you’re already made some in your financial life.Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:Do you have a purpose for the money you’re investing? (1:39)Why investors don’t always understand the amount of risk they have. (6:43)How emotions play a role in the decisions you make. (9:15)Why we all fall into the trap of a ‘hot tip’ (13:32)The role your advisor should play in helping you avoid these mistakes. (16:46)ÂConnect with us:ÂWeb: 919-391-3446




SECURE Act 2.0 – Important Retirement Planning Changes to Know

The SECURE Act 2.0 was pushed through Congress late last year, and even though you won’t see too many exciting headlines about the legislation, there are actually some great planning opportunities inside.We spent a little time talking about the RMD age change that will impact people in or near retirement in our last episode. Now we want to highlight a few more positive changes that you need to know about, including catch-up contribution increases, a 529 to Roth option, and a benefit for people for some people still paying off student loans.ÂHere’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:Catch-up contributions for increase for people aged 60-63. (1:15)You’ll have the ability to move 529 money to a Roth with restrictions. (3:36)Student loan payments could qualify you for a company 401(k) match. (8:06)ÂConnect with us:Â




SECURE Act 2.0 – RMD Age Changing Again

We’re only a few years removed from the SECURE Act being passed, which brought about significant retirement planning changes. Now three years late, Congress passed SECURE Act 2.0 in late December and we have another round of changes to process and adjust to.We’ll cover these provisions over the course of multiple episodes, but today we’ll focus primarily on another adjustment to the age you have to begin taking required minimum distributions. Starting this year, the age will move from 72 to 73, which is pretty big news for people that are in their mid-to-late 60s. ÂÂHere’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:The RMD age pushed back from 72 to 73 beginning this year. (2:14)A specific example of why this change matters to planning. (4:44)ÂConnect with us:ÂÂ




Better Understand Your Financial Statements

The end of the year (or start of a new year) probably means you’re getting a lot of financial statements in your mailbox (or inbox if you’re paperless). Ever wonder what some of those terms mean as you look at your 401(k), IRA and other account balances?Let’s spend a little time looking over a financial statement and breaking down some of the terms you might come across.Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:How accurate are retirement income projections you’ll see? (1:38)What do you need to know about that asset allocation pie chart they include for your investments? (4:34)Are all the fees listed on the account statement? (7:43)Will you miss anything if you don’t read through the disclosures and fine print? (9:49)Other balances you might find on your statement. (11:15)ÂConnect with us:Â




Learning From Grandma’s Financial Wisdom

Even if she wasn’t directly talking about money, Grandma said a lot of smart things that we can apply to financial planning. We might not have known it then, but looking back on wisdom that was imparted to us can teach us lessons years later.On this episode, let’s take some classic Grandma sayings and see how they relate to our financial lives.ÂHere’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:How ‘when it rains it pours’ applies to the way the market behaves. (1:33)‘You never know’ is used quite a bit in financial planning. (4:19)‘A bad apple spoils the whole barrel.’ (6:43)Why it’s important to get information ‘straight from the horse’s mouth.’ (8:49)Yes, ‘if your friend jumps off a bridge, would you do it too?’ applies to finances. (10:00)ÂConnect with us:Â




The Retirement Marathon: Finishing the Race

Getting through retirement can be a lot like running a marathon. While we may not know that through first-hand experience, we can certainly lean on the lessons we’ve learned from family and friends who have succeeded in this endeavor.On this episode, let’s talk about some of the similarities of getting to the finish line in racing and retirement. Much like in retirement, runners might be able to finish a race without all the planning and prep, but they might not how they’re feeling during and after.Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:What planning and preparation goes into retirement? (2:12)The proper diet is just as important as planning. (5:24)Why you shouldn’t start too fast in retirement. (8:28)ÂConnect with us:Â




Making Smart Decisions During Major Life Events

Whenever we’re faced with a major life event, certain people will have an impact on us and the decisions we make. But when you work with a financial advisor who you’ve built a strong relationship with, they end up being there for all of these key events because of the financial impact they have.Let’s explore some of the things you should be thinking about to make smart financial decisions when you encounter some of the most significant events in your life.Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:What do you need to consider when you change jobs? (2:35)The tax considerations that come with an inheritance. (5:45)How becoming an empty nester changes your income and savings. (10:03)How we help someone that goes through the death of a spouse. (11:45)ÂConnect with us:Â




The Psychology of Retirement Planning

We always talk about the money side of financial and retirement planning. But what about the mental aspect of that big life change?Today we’ll break down an article written by a Licensed Professional Counselor (Kate Schroeder) for Psychology Today, titled The Psychological Investment In Retirement. You might be surprised to find out that many financial advisors actually spend significant time on this side of the planning process, and we’ll take you through that on this show.Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:Few people consider the consequences of leaving your everyday routine behind. (1:53)Why we struggle to find genuine meaning in retirement. (4:20)This is the time to try things you’ve always wanted. (6:24)What can you do invest in personal growth and development? (8:28)What have our clients done to get mentally prepared for retirement? (10:54)ÂConnect with us:Â




Getting it Right: Irreversible Financial Decisions

There are plenty of decisions that you’ll make in the retirement planning process that can’t be undone, so you want to make sure that you make the right call. On this episode, we’ll explain why these decisions are so important and can’t be undone.Here’s some of what you’ll learn on this episode:Why claiming Social Security at 62 isn’t always the right decision. (1:58)What’s important to know about spousal benefits on a pension. (4:50)Reasons for getting life insurance and why you should decide soon. (8:46)Choosing the appropriate retirement date can keep you from having to go back to work. (12:15)ÂConnect with us:Â




How Procrastination Dooms Your Financial Future

People have many reasons for procrastinating when it comes to putting a retirement plan together. Let’s explore some of those excuses and why they can be dangerous, and talk about how to overcome them.ÂConnect with us:Â




Retirement Rules of Thumb

You’ve most likely heard plenty of “rules” you’re supposed to follow to retire successfully. Some of these rules are stated so confidently, you’d be crazy not to immediately accept them as fact. But we don’t mind the threat of being called crazy, so let’s dive into some of the most popular retirement “rules of thumb” to see if they truly lead us down the path of good financial guidance or run a chance of leading us astray.ÂConnect with us:Â




The Case of the Missing Sister

Tim Williams had a little sister, but for 60 years he never knew she existed.




Up in Flames

Gary & Nancy Williford hadn't been living in their new home for very long before the unthinkable happened. This is their story about losing their home to a fire, the aftermath and rebuilding process, and how they've been coping ever since.




Love, Deferred

Jonie & Meme Neddo were a young, interracial couple in rural Tennessee at a time when interracial dating in rural Tennessee wasn't exactly encouraged. This is their story about how they parted ways in 1980 and found their way back to each other more than 25 years later.




Raising Them Alone

Kathy Pittman lost her husband to a brain tumor when her daughters were just 6 and 4. In this episode, she shares her story--dealing with her grief, trying to make ends meet financially, and raising two girls alone.




The Coal Miner's Day in Court

Jay Campbell is a client of Rosewood Wealth Management who--back in 2003--argued a case before the Supreme Court, representing a group of West Virginia coal miners in the case Doe v. Chao. At a time when the Supreme Court is getting lots of attention from lots of folks, Jay shares his behind-the-scenes story of how the Court really works.




Ice Buckets and Ballparks

Larry Falivena is a client of Rosewood Wealth Management who has been battling ALS for the last several years. He joins John Stillman in studio to discuss the disease, the emotional and financial effects on his family, and the nationwide tour of all 30 Major League ballparks that he went on last year in an effort to raise funds and awareness.




The Rules Have Changed: What the SECURE Act Means for You

Almost everyone will feel the some effects from the new SECURE Act. Some more immediately than others, but in the grand scheme almost everyone will be affected. Ron and I will help you tackle the new rules as we discuss the two most important components: the changes in stretch IRAs and the new RMD age. The most important thing to keep in mind is communicating with your family about the changes from an estate planning standpoint. Don’t fret, we’re gonna break it all down for you and help you get started!Check out the full show notes for this episode by clicking here.




Personal Training and Financial Planning

There are actually a lot of principles from the personal training and fitness world that we can apply to retirement planning. Let's explore some similarities and learn how to increase our level of financial fitness.Get the full show notes for this episode at http://mrstillmansopus.comOn This Episode:1:53 - Coaches and Trainers5:28 - Specific Goals and Training Plans7:57 - Good Habits and Crunches in the Kitchen10:52 - The Process Brings You To Your Destination




The Retirement Road Trip

If you're heading out on a road trip, there's a long checklist of items that you want to be sure you haven't forgotten. And in retirement planning, some of those exact same items need to be addressed. Let's look at some of the items that should appear on both your road trip checklist and your retirement planning checklist.Get the full show notes by visiting




Steps to a Scandal-Free Retirement

If you take a close look at most folks' financial situations, you'll find that it's almost scandalous how badly their financial matters have been handled. Let's talk about the steps people should take to create a scandal-free retirement.On this episode:1:41 - Impeach Consumer Debt 3:51 - Stop the Leaks in your Budget 6:03 - Obstruct Your Catastrophic Market Losses 8:39 - Collude with a Good Advisor Get the full show notes for this episode at




Retirement Planning on the Tennis Court

What does tennis have to do with retirement? Probably more than you would think. We pulled three aspects to tennis that relate to retirement planning to help you understand the strategy a little better.1. The court is different for singles versus doubles.2. Certain players excel on a particular playing surface.3. Holding serve is important.So sit back and let us serve up some retirement analogies so you can ace your investing decisions.Check out the full show notes for this episode by clicking here.




Cleaning Out the Financial Junk Drawer

We all have one. You can usually find it in the kitchen in one of the bottom drawers. It's that place where we toss rubber bands, paper clips, batteries, chip clips, and any other random item we don't have any other place for. It's our junk drawer and we'd rather avoid it then trying to get it organized. Believe it or not, our financial portfolio has a junk drawer filled with old 401(k) plans, old life insurance plans, and other products we bought years ago but haven't done anything with since.In this episode, we'll look at some of those items you'll find in your financial junk drawer and give you some options for where to move the investments to better fit your needs.You can read more about this show by clicking here.




How Retirement Planning is Like a Game of Chess

There are many similarities between planning for retirement and a game of chess. In this episode, John makes the comparison by explaining which investment option is each chess piece on the board and how they can be used to maneuver you through the game of retirement.




Handing Out Financial Superlatives

Remember your senior yearbook that included superlatives like 'Most Popular' and 'Class Clown'? Well, we're taking that idea and applying it to the financial world by picking out the investment options that are 'Most Overrated', 'Most Underrated', 'Most Popular', and 'Most Likely to Disappoint.'Check out the show notes by clicking here.Today's rundown:[1:03]– Class Superlatives at the School of Financial Strategies[1:33]Most Underrated: Roth IRA[3:05]Most Overrated: Expensive Cars[5:24]Most Likely to Disappoint: Whole Life Insurance Policies[7:05]Most Popular: 401(k), 403(b), TSP (Thrift Savings Plan)[9:20]– Possible Winner Overthrow?Could the Roth take over as Most Popular?[10:10]– Teachers Pet: The Variable Annuity




Getting Your RMD Ducks In a Row

Most people have a basic knowledge of Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) but few understand how they pertain to IRAs and 401ks, as well as the intricate timing details that are essential to preparing to withdrawal for tax payments. For a better understanding of the best times to withdrawal as well as avoiding penalties, join John and Ron as they discuss a letter Ron recently received shortly after a big birthday.Check out the show notes here: - RMDs for 401(k)s2:45 – RMDs for IRAs4:35 – Here’s an example:5:34 – When do you have to make a withdrawal?7:00 - In what scenarios would I carry it over?7:58 - Avoid a loss in penalties!9:04 – Another Octave




The Retirement Grocery Store

If you think about it, planning for retirement is a bit like going to the grocery store. You need to know what you need, you need to know what you're paying, and at times, you need to purchase the more expensive product. These are just a few of the similarities. Join us as we unpack this analogy and help you shop for a meaningful retirement.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Four Dangerous Excuses

We often see people justifying their poor financial decisions by making excuses. We'll identify these excuses and explain why they lead to poor judgement.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Lessons From March Madness

March Madness is upon us, and everyone's excited for the upsets, buzzer beaters, and Cinderella stories. As a fan, it's an emotional time of year, and believe it or not, March Madness can teach us a thing or two about retirement.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




This One's On The House

Our clients often ask us whether they should accelerate their house payments in order to pay off their house early. Join us as we explore the pros and cons of this strategy.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Longevity Risk

We're living longer than ever, and of course, that's a good thing. However, longevity presents its own challenges. John explains.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Retirement On The Gridiron

This time of year, you can find football on TV almost every night of the week. Let's take some concepts from the gridiron and apply them to retirement.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Three Tax Tips

On this edition of the podcast, we’ll share with you three tax tips. Specifically, we’ll help you avoid making three crucial tax mistakes.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Social Security Taxation

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the taxation of Social Security. Join us as we seek to clear up the confusion on the podcast.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Famous Last Words

We’ve all said and done things we’ve later come to regret. Don’t let these financial phrases be your famous last words.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




The Cost Of Long-Term Care

What's the true cost of long term care? Well, that depends on what kind of care you need.Matt Ayotte and Alan Millikan, founders of Aegis Home Care, came by the studio to talk about different types of care and just how much each one can cost.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Seven Tips For Traveling

Kristin Staley joins us to share tips for making travel more efficient and pleasant. Take note of these seven tips the next time you travel and you'll make the whole experience better!Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Until you've actually experienced something for yourself, it's hard to know what to expect. And getting older is no different.Matt Ayotte and Alan Millikan, founders of Aegis Home Care, came by the studio to talk about four common misconceptions they see when it comes to the average person's understanding of the challenges of aging and healthcare planning.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




4 Rules for 401k Rollovers

First, try to say this episode title three times fast. Next, take a listen and learn what you need to know about rolling over your 401k.




Roth Conversions

Is a Roth conversion a logical move for you to make or not? John breaks down the pros and cons of converting money to Roth in various situations.




RMDs: The Basics

Most people are aware that they're required to start withdrawing money from their retirement accounts at some point. Some people even know that the magic age for this is 70 1/2. But very few people have appropriately factored this into their retirement income plan.




8 Travel Mistakes Retirees Should Avoid

For most retirees, travel is a big part of life. John is joined by travel consultant Kristin Staley to go over the eight common travel mistakes you should avoid!




Fake News!

We hear a lot about fake news in the political realm these days, but what about fake news in the financial world?




Dangerous Minds

Complacency, Overconfidence, Fear, Cynicism, and Despair. How do these five dangerous mindsets manifest themselves in the financial planning process and how can you be sure you're not harboring any of these in your own head?




Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Have you ever noticed that you look completely different in the bedroom mirror than you do in the bathroom mirror? In the same way, your portfolio can look completely different depending on how closely you look at certain things...




Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, and Lust. How do these seven deadly sins manifest themselves in your retirement planning, and how can you be sure you're not guilty?




Silver and Gold, Silver and Gold, Everyone Wishes for Silver and Gold...

John is joined by Richard Pucciarelli, founder of Carolina Retirement Resources, to discuss the merits of precious metals as part of your portfolio.




Another Dot Com Crash?

A staggering percentage of this year's growth in the S&P 500 can be attributed to just a handful of companies--Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft. Is this a sign of another impending dot com crash? Brian Evans, founder of Madrona Financial Services, joins John to discuss.




Realistic Expectations

How realistic are your expectations when it comes to making plans for your retirement? We’ll give you a clear understanding of the planning process.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




The Folly of the Risk Tolerance Discussion

John explains why the "risk tolerance" discussion about your investments is often a flawed conversation from the very beginning.




Mission Statements

What can we learn from the mission statements of some well-known companies and organizations and how can we apply that to our retirement planning?




Low Hanging Fruit

Sometimes the idea of constructing a complete retirement plan can be overwhelming to people. John Stillman discusses a few easy places to start that can be quick and painless, but they pay big dividends down the road.




Retirement Regrets

What are the biggest financial regrets that people have once they get to retirement age? Learn from the mistakes of others and avoid these regrets yourself.




Keeping it in Context

John Stillman discusses the importance of knowing the purpose of each of your invested dollars and keeping that purpose in mind when you're evaluating your accounts.




Retirement Planning for Women

Jeannette Bajalia, founder of Woman's Worth, joins John to talk about the specific challenges that women face when it comes to financial and retirement planning.




More Than Just Investing

Jim Dischert, founder of 360 Financial Group in Chicago, joins John to talk about the many different facets of retirement planning.




Event-Based Investing

Dan Cuprill, founder of Matson and Cuprill in Cincinnati, joins John to talk about the follies of investing based on what's going on in the news.




Retirement Communities

We get many questions on retirement communities. Teresa Mize, Director of Marketing at The Cedars Of Chapel Hill,joins John this week to discuss.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Stuffing Your Retirement Stocking

What are the things that you should be sure you have in your retirement stocking if you want to have a Merry Retirement?




Medicare Misunderstandings

Bruce Gray, founder of GP Financial Services, joins John Stillman to talk about some common misunderstandings that people have about Medicare.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Retirement is a Marathon

Chris Scalese, financial advisor and author of "Retirement is a Marathon, Not a Sprint" joins John Stillman to talk about the similarities between preparing for a marathon and planning your retirement.




The Voices in Your Head

When it comes to investing, most people have a couple of different voices in their head. This week, John talks about how to differentiate between the different voices so you know which one to listen to.




Futures Trading with Skip Kelley

Skip Kelley--now a financial advisor in Manchester, NH--talks with John about his past life as a futures trader.




5 Mistakes Couples Make to Screw Up Retirement

Planning for retirement as a couple can have its advantages (compared to planning retirement as a single person). But it can also have its challenges, and couples often screw things up. This week, John discusses the five most common mistakes couples make.




Financially Savvy Grandparenting - PART 3

This week, we conclude the Financially Savvy Grandparenting series with three final tips for grandparents who want to help raise financially savvy grandchildren.




Financially Savvy Grandparenting - PART 2

In a continuation of a previous week's conversation about financially savvy grandparenting, John touches on the six tips for grandparents to consider as they help their grandchildren grow into financially savvy adults.




Financial Advisor or Financial Salesperson?

How do you tell the difference between someone who's actually giving you advice and someone who's trying to sell you something? John is joined by Kurt Arseneau to discuss.




Financially Savvy Grandparenting

John is joined by his wife Molly to talk about ways that grandparents can help contribute to the raising of financially astute grandchildren.




The Wonderful World Of Life Insurance

Nobody gets excited to talk about it, but there are some things you should know about life insurance.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




What Diversification Actually Means

Diversification is a popular buzzword, but what does it actually mean? John joins Payne Capital ManagementChief Investment Officer Bob Payne to discuss.Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




The Chick-fil-A Portfolio

What can we learn about good retirement planning from the fine folks at Chick-fil-A?Click the link for more in-depth reading in a recent blog post:




Hating Mutual Funds?

John Stillman is joined by Mark Silverman who explains his disdain for mutual funds.




Independent Advisor vs. Captive Broker




Election Season and Your Portfolio

What should you expect to happen with the stock market during election season?

Financial Symphony: John Stillman (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.