Love stands alone: selections from Tamil Sangam poetry (2024)

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Love stands alone: selections from Tamil Sangam poetry (1)

anglès [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 0.4MB, 📘 Llibre (no-ficció), Love Stands Alone - A R Venkatachalapthy

Love stands alone: selections from Tamil Sangam poetry 🔍

Penguin Books Ltd, 2013

Taṅkappā, Ma. Ile.;Vēṅkaṭācalapati, Ā. Irā 🔍


“The breathtaking poems in Love Stands Alone speak to us across time, space, language and culture. The interior, akam, and the exterior, puram, form their two overarching themes. The akam poems are concerned with love in all its varied situations: clandestine and illicit; conjugal happiness and infidelity; separation and union. The puram poems encompass all other aspects of worldly life: wars and battlefields, the munificence of kings and chieftains, and the wisdom of bards. With a comprehensive introduction by A. R. Venkatachalapathy, M. L. Thangappa's translations delight the senses and bring alive a world long past.”

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2020-07-26 (ol_source: 2022-06-17, isbndb_scrape: 2022-09-01, lgli_source: 2020-07-26, zlib_source: 2020-10-18, lgrsnf_source: 2020-07-26)

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ISBN-13978-81-8475-242-7 ISBN-13978-0-14-310397-4 ISBN-1081-8475-242-3 ISBN-100-14-310397-0 Open LibraryOL28016159W Open LibraryOL38321844M Non-Fiction2775438 MD5499D18224DDF9DE490C54A4C99841A05 MD5499d18224ddf9de490c54a4c99841a05 Z-Library6015146 File93677016 libgen_id2697015 Torrentexternal/libgen_rs_non_fic/r_2775000.torrent

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Love stands alone: selections from Tamil Sangam poetry (2024)


What is the theme of the poem "Love Stands Alone"? ›

About the book

The Poems fall under two broad themes: akam, the interior, and puram, the exterior. The akam poems are concerned with love in all its varied situation: clandestine and illicit; conjugal happiness and infidelity; separation all other aspect of Worldly life.

What are the themes in Sangam poetry as per Tamil poetics? ›

These poems vary between 3 and 782 lines long. The bardic poetry of the Sangam era is largely about love (akam) and war (puram), with the exception of the shorter poems such as in Paripaatal which is more religious and praise Vishnu and Murugan. The Sangam literature also includes Buddhist and Jainist epics.

What are the two lines about Sangam literature? ›

The Sangam literature was historically known as 'the poetry of the noble ones'. In literal terms, Sangam means 'association' and the literature that connotes ancient Tamil literature is known as Sangam literature. It is South India's earliest known literature.

Which poet wrote love poems? ›

The great love poets include Sappho of Lesbos, Catullus, Ovid, Pablo Neruda, William Shakespeare, Walt Whitman and William Butler Yeats. These are the greatest writers of love poetry, in one man's opinion… Sappho of Lesbos (c. 600 BCE) is the first great love poet we know by name.

What is the main idea of the poem alone? ›

In Alone, Poe reflects upon a life experienced as an emotional outsider. The narrator's experience of perceiving life and emotions differently to others in Edgar Allen Poe's Alone, has led to him feeling isolated and here he is questioning why he sees things so differently.

What are the theme of the poem? ›

Theme is the lesson or message of the poem. Does the poem have something to say about life or human nature?

What are the five epics of Sangam literature? ›

There are five Epics according to Tamil Literature. They are Silappadikaram, Manimekhalai, Jivak Chintamani, Valayapati, Kundalaksi. Silappadikaram was a non-religious text of first century CE. The writer of Silappadikaram was Ilango Adigal.

What are the three Sangam literature? ›

Third Sangam: The third Sangam was established in Madurai by Mudathirumaran. Although many poets participated and created substantial work, only some persisted. Tolkappiyam, Ettutogai, Pattuppattu, Pathinenkilkanakku, and the two epics Silappathigaram and Manimegalai are among the works in the Sangam literature corpus.

Who are the poets of Sangam? ›

Tolaka Pear, Valluvar, Elangoadigal and Sittalaisittanur were the poets of the Sangama literature. Historically known as the poetry of the noble ones, the Sangam literature connotes the ancient Tamil literature and is South India's earliest known literature.

What is the oldest Tamil text? ›

Tholkappiyam is the oldest Tamil literature. It was composed 2000 years ago. As per Tamil language experts Tholkappiyam dates to before 350BC.

What is the religion of Sangam? ›

Sangam religion is constructed on the synthesis of the non-Aryan Tamils and the Aryan Vedic Deities. The Sangam religious worship is categorized into three categories– (i) Worship of indigenous Gods, (ii) Worship of exotic Hindu Gods (iii) Worship or faith in the exotic non-Hindu rituals.

Is Thirukkural a Sangam literature? ›

Opining that the Kural literature does not belong to the Sangam period, Czech linguist Kamil Zvelebil dates it to somewhere between 450 and 500 CE. His estimate is based on the language of the Kural text, its allusions to the earlier works, and its borrowing from some Sanskrit treatises.

Which poem is famous for true love? ›

"How Do I Love Thee?,” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

This is one of the most famous short love poems in existence, showing that feelings felt in the 1800s are the same as the ones experienced now.

How do poets say "I love you"? ›

You are the light in my life and the love in my heart.” “You are my everything.” “You have stolen my heart.” “I am madly in love with you.”

What is the famous poem about unconditional love? ›

There are many famous poems about unconditional love, including “How Do I Love Thee” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and “Unconditional Love” by Tupac Shakur.

What is the theme of the poem love poem? ›

“Love Poem” by John Frederick Nims is an excellent of example of an author using many types of literary terms to emphasize his theme of a love that is imperfect yet filled with acceptance. In, this poem Nims uses assonance, metaphor, and imagery to support his theme of “Imperfect, yet realistic love”.

What is the theme of the winner stands alone? ›

Exploring personal power and how much of what we do is governed by what is acceptable rather than what is correct, The Winner Stands Alone is a satire on society's obsession with fame and fortune.

What is the main theme of the poem Alone by Maya Angelou? ›

Maya Angelou's “Alone” is an incredible narrative poem that readers can relate to. This poem is about realizing that no matter who you are, or where you come from, or how much money you have, you need other human beings to survive in this world. In life you need people who love you and help you through hardships.

What is the theme of the poem to be in love? ›

“To Be in Love” is a lyric poem of 32 lines that details the experience of someone who is in love. However, the lover's physical absence, as well as imbalanced emotional reciprocity, endangers that love, causing heartbreak for the speaker.


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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.